A very quiet space sought for dramatic vocal recording!

Rob Stringer

Tue 8 Jun 2021, 10:55 (last edited on Tue 8 Jun 2021, 10:56)


I'm looking for a small, very quiet space, to carry out some vocal recording.

I posted here a few days ago with a slightly different header, and am trying one more time. :)

I'm producing season two of an independent sitcom podcast. Getting together in a studio isn't currently possible, so actors (all friends of mine) are recording in spare rooms with noise-dampening mattresses and curtains around them. However one of them has a house extension starting soon, which means we need to find him an alternative space!

Might you know of a very quiet local (covid-secure) studio, room, shed...? We'd need it for around 4/5 evenings (7-9pm, probably a few Mondays/Thursdays in July/August).

It would need a socket for the recording equipment (mic, laptop), and wifi - as we are recording scenes 'together' remotely online.

Thanks - any suggestions very welcome!


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