Gigaclear Mess

Charlie M
👍 1

Sun 30 May 2021, 11:12

In that case, Katie, I would suggest that Trading Standards is your friend. Or stopping payment until they have completed the work to your satisfaction.Or a threat to contact one of the Radio or TV consumer programmes. It's also always worth googling to see if they have an 0800 number, and if so, to ring that any time you have a spare moment. But yes, I realise that this all takes more time. 

Katie Ewer
👍 3

Sun 30 May 2021, 09:07 (last edited on Sun 30 May 2021, 09:14)

Charlie/Alex-I hear what you're saying, but I had to go to the Chief Exec of Gigaclear to get the original install sorted out at my house, so have burned SO much of my free time on them that I just won't waste any more. The issue I still have is that about 30cm the cable that runs from my POT to the house isn't buried, it sits on the surface of the garden. I'm not going to dig it in myself, but eventually it will get damaged and they'll have to sort it out at that point. But dealing with them is a total time sink and I have a life! :)

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Sat 29 May 2021, 18:56

I have messaged you, Gill, but if anyone knows of somewhere that has not been properly restored please send me a message with the address

Gill Begnor
👍 3

Sat 29 May 2021, 11:29

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your responses - and I have also had some direct messages from people who have had issues.

On 16th October, I was told by Gigaclear "We have 6 months to make good highway verges, as long as they are reinstated to a sufficient standard, going back to make good with the current weather is a pointless exercise as topsoil and seed will just wash away with a heavy shower, we will return to make good any verges when it is feasible to do so."

So that was over 7 months ago and still no sign of them! It's not correct to say that they couldn't have repaired my verge due to recent weather conditions - they have done some repairs a few yards up the road (in Hundley Way), but I understand from the residents who battled to get this done that it was a hard-won fight!

Thanks for offering to pick this up Liz - I'm happy to compile a list of people (with contact details) who have had problems and are seeking repairs/compensation if this would help..... please let me know. (Feel free to message me privately via the forum.)

Carl A Perkins
👍 1

Sat 29 May 2021, 11:22 (last edited on Sat 29 May 2021, 11:25)

Hannen, the roads are owned by OCC or Oxfordshire Highways whatever the agency is called so MKJ would have had to make an application to OCC to take over the roads temporarily and then hand them back in a decent state which includes making good any repair works required. OCC should have a representative who inspects the roads before accepting completion of the works. When I worked on the redevelopment of the Westgate in Oxford, Castle Street was adopted by the developer to carry out works and rigorous inspections were made before OCC accepted the road and pavements back.

I know the rollout of broadband is a national government initiative but I always thought that money for such projects is filtered down to local level to enable the local authority to supervise the works

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Sat 29 May 2021, 11:19

OCC have a duty to make sure the pavements and roads are returned to a good condition, as they needed to agree to the works undertaken by Gigaclear/MKJ. But Carl suggested that OCC commissioned the work and should have been double-checking before payment could be made, and I don't think that is the case.

I had read somewhere that verges etc. were to be returned to a good state in May, after work had finished and when the weather was better and the verges had dried out. Given that work is still going on and the weather has been dire, it is hardly surprising that they have yet to do this. But that does not excuse the lack of communication, or the ongoing damage. It's good to know that OCC will chase the outstanding issues.

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sat 29 May 2021, 10:10 (last edited on Sat 29 May 2021, 10:14)

That's my understanding as well Christine.

I don't think our local Councillors, at any tier, had any control over what was done by MKJ, although I think that some did have dialogues with MKJ and full credit to them for that.

So much for local democracy!  I wonder how Gigaclear were able to "get the Government's ear" for a project which was bound to impact the lives of so many local residents - and not just in Charlbury from what I've heard.

Just read Liz's post.  Thank you Liz, always fighting our corner!

Surely Gigaclear won't have a monopoly?  BT haven't.  I've looked at Gigaclear's pricing and it is much higher than BTs although I suppose that if/when BT switch over to fibre its costs may rise.  I don't understand the technicalities.

I'm very happy with the BT broadband as it is - fast, and affordable.

The irony is that we are all meant to be immensely grateful for this disruption and the chance to push more of our disposable income Gigaclear's way.  What about those who simply can't afford the higher prices?  They will lose internet access I suppose.

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Sat 29 May 2021, 09:53

OCC does have a responsibility to ensure that Gigaclear/MKJ have finished off the roads and restored the verges etc and I have contacted the officer concerned about the various outstanding issues that I am aware of.

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Sat 29 May 2021, 09:26 (last edited on Sat 29 May 2021, 09:31)

I don't think Gigaclear were hired by the Council, at least as far as Charlbury is concerned. Gigaclear took a commercial decision to extend fibre broadband into this area. And the provision of fibre broadband is a government initiative, not a council one.

It's Gigaclear that should be doing the double-checking of work carried out on their behalf by MKJ. 

Carl A Perkins
👍 2

Fri 28 May 2021, 22:02

Where is the quality control on behalf of the council? In my line of work everything gets checked and signed off by a third party before any monies are paid. My fear is that nowadays the big private contractors hired by the council run amok on big ongoing contracts where huge sums of money are just simply paid out. This has to change!

Alex Flynn
👍 1

Fri 28 May 2021, 20:53

100% agree Charlie

Charlie M
👍 4

Fri 28 May 2021, 10:37 (last edited on Fri 28 May 2021, 10:37)

Katie, with deepest respect, that is what rotten organisations like that WANT you to do. Sadly we live in an age where very often the ONLY way to get something solved is to be a COMPLETE PAIN! 

Keep at 'em! And GOOD LUCK!

Katie Ewer

Fri 28 May 2021, 09:55

I never did my issue sorted and gave up in the end having chased for 12 months.

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Fri 28 May 2021, 07:41

Gill - yes I have.  I’m also aware that people in Stonesfield are particularly cross with them.  I am very sympathetic to your concerns.

Promises of repair (in writing) have simply been ignored.

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Thu 27 May 2021, 22:14

I will chase this up with OCC and Gigaclear

Gill Begnor
👍 5

Thu 27 May 2021, 22:04

Has anyone else got outstanding problems with the mess that Gigaclear left last year? The verge outside my house was ruined and it is now over 7 months since they told me they had 6 months to repair it. I've chased several times over the last few weeks and initially got a 'we'll get back to you soon' message - but since then nothing. My verge has a big muddy strip along it and my neighbour had equipment leaned against his dry stone wall which has required him to reinforce it to stop it collapsing.

Wondering whether a combined approach to the contractor/CEO/BBC Panorama etc might work!! Also whether we should involve our local MP.....

I wouldn't mind so much if  there was any benefit to local residents from the mess, disruption etc we suffered last year (we came out of the house one day to find our driveway was blocked with no warning, my daughter was delayed getting out for a job interview and my elderly parents had to park quarter of a mile away when they came to visit) - but the broadband service being offered is more expensive than my current provider so we've put up with all this for nothing.

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