Overnight road closures (Debate)

Hannen Beith
👍 5

Mon 24 May 2021, 20:02 (last edited on Mon 24 May 2021, 20:03)


We won't fall out over this, but I have video footage of MKJ workers sitting and laughing in their cabs, whilst on their mobiles watching God knows what.  For between 30 minutes and an hour at a time.

No, I didn't buy this house.  My Wife did, before we married. Don't assume.  We have a squashed cat and 17 months of awful noise and fumes.  As I write, there is yet another truck outside with its hazards on, but thankfully no engine running.

You live away from the main road.  You have no idea of the mental stress in these circumstances, and I hope that you or anybody else won't.

I've lived in Peckham, Lewisham, Woolwich, and they were paradise compared to this.  

I accept that line painting has to be done, and a good thing too.

As for Gigaclear - don't assume (again) please. I am neutral. I may well take it up, but as the Government has just thrown another lot of our dosh at BT I  am inclined to wait.  It will be my choice, not yours.

Phil Morgan
👍 8

Mon 24 May 2021, 16:31

With due respect Hannen, I think we all know that you are no fan of Gigaclear and that you will not sign up to their service. But, I also think that we need to recognise that MKJ is a contractor to Gigaclear who, in turn, is a contractor to central government.

This is a government initiative to provide fast fibre broadband nationwide so we can't feel too victimised. As far as lazy workers are concerned, I have to disagree. I have always found them to be hard-working, polite and helpful.

You have been unfortunate to have experienced so much noise and disruption but, after all, you did buy a house within a few yards of the busiest junction in the town.

Hannen Beith
👍 6

Thu 20 May 2021, 02:55

I have been subjected to these from January 2020 - yes, some 14/15 months.  A combination of OCC and MKJ. Mind you MKJ don't work nights, don't work much at all from what I observe.

Can nothing be done?  Even for one of the best places to live in England?

Yesterday morning a new outfit parked its truck outside for 2 hours, complete with hazard lights and engine running from 8.30 am until 10.30 am.  Temporary traffic lights and cones on the back, which were not deployed.

Nice "work" if you can get it.

Little wonder my sleep pattern has been completely disrupted.

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