Bee hive in my walls

Gordon Cutting

Wed 19 May 2021, 08:51

That should be possible.

PM me where you are and a good time to pop over (after 13:00).

Clare Carswell

Wed 19 May 2021, 08:35

I don't know what kind of bees they are Gordon, you're welcome to come up and take a look. I'll be there this afternoon. 

Gordon Cutting

Tue 18 May 2021, 23:44

I can certainly try to, Clare.

Do you know what sort of bees they are? Honey bees or masonry bees?

Clare Carswell

Tue 18 May 2021, 22:33

No progress yet Gordon. Are you able to advise me ? 

Gordon Cutting

Tue 18 May 2021, 21:12

Just got tipped-off about this and thought I'd enquire as to whether things were in hand?

Sarah Geeson Brown

Mon 17 May 2021, 17:47

Try Robin Algar, another Charlbury bee keeper. I dont want to publicise his number. Probably best to message me on this site, Clare. Sarah

Wendy Bailey

Mon 17 May 2021, 16:52

Ditto Geoffrey Burroughs on the Woodstock road. 

Judy kinchella

Mon 17 May 2021, 14:42

Geoff Burroughs is a bee keeper in Charlbury. He lives on the Woodstock road, he’s the one who sells the Christmas trees.

Clare Carswell
👍 1

Mon 17 May 2021, 14:36

I have a swarm of bees that have arrived and will live for a few weeks inside the walls of my barn studio. They have been coming for several years now and are no trouble to me or anyone else. I enjoy watching them go in and out between the boards of the barn. However, this year for the first time they are in a different spot and are able to get into the inside space of the studio and lots of them are doing so each day and sadly dying, maybe it is too cold for them. It may be time for this hive to be safely relocated. Does anyone know a beekeeper who may be able to help me ? 

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