Igor's bike "nicked" by FGR - you read it here first!

Igor Goldkind

Sat 1 Nov 2008, 15:13

Yes, I realise that now.
It's sometimes easy to make a mistake about gender when you're reading emails.
Hopefully this small error on my part won't detract from the wider issue that is the subject of this thread.

John Stanley

Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:20

Lesley Colman is a young lady, not a man!

Igor Goldkind

Fri 31 Oct 2008, 12:39

Yes, I was forced to organize an armed riding posse and we were able head the train off at the pass just outside Hereford in time to rescue my bike.

Seriously though, I've since had a full response to my complaint from Lesley Colman, Customer & Stakeholder Liaison Manager at FGW. I've asked his permission to post extracts from his reply so that both the details of the incident, my complaint and FGW's apology are public record. I will do this as soon as Lesley affirms his permission

In the meantime, I want to thank Chris Bates and Hannah Parmley, from David Cameron's office who took my complaint seriously and followed up with FGW. Apparently, even Mr. Cameron was made aware of my experience and agreed that steps needed to be taken to address the cycling/rail policies.

Overall, I am more than satisfied with the response I've received.

Chris Bates

Thu 30 Oct 2008, 11:47

I'm sure Igor will tell the story at some stage, but suffice to say that he retrieved his bike later that same day.


Wed 29 Oct 2008, 12:57

I saw Igor cycling again this morning ,does this mean the FGW have made an effort in this case to try and put things right.I would like to think so.

Chris Bates

Tue 28 Oct 2008, 09:21

I understand FGW are investigating and a response will be forthcoming shortly.

Nick Burch

Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:19

If it's an HST, then the door to the cycle compartment isn't normally locked. You should be able to just open the door, get your bike out / put it on, and off you go. When I take my bike on HSTs (I do the reverse commute though), that's what I always end up doing

Chris Bates

Mon 27 Oct 2008, 09:41

I am endeavouring to obtain answers from FGW - however, please all note that Richard Rowland, our Regional Manager, is on annual leave this week (it's half term), so I need to approach others.

Igor Goldkind

Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:17

I appreciate both Derek and Malcolm's sympathy but as I posted previously, I want to focus on the facts of the matter with FGW and see if some kind of better result from FGW for all passengers (cycle carrying and otherwise), can be achieved.

Stay tuned.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:30

FGR is a typo for FGW... I had just previously read an article about FDR and his actions to save capitalism on election in 1932 when my wife related the sad tale of Igor's departed bicycle en route to Worcester on returning home from the station herself and had met him on the way... Incidentally, FDR's actions which were quite a revelation given the blundering about going on at the moment. Fireside chats indeed.

And in those days customer service on the railroads actually meant something too. My grandfather was station master for one of the busiest stations and marshalling yards of the Canadian Pacific and his father before him with what became Southern Rail in London - we are a family steeped in railroad tradition. Not much of that sort of generational thing left (the postwar generation went onto other things) but it bred generations of conscientious and instinctively helpful workers for over a century. In todays short term contract sacked every 2 years etc world its not worth anyone building up skills, knowledge, or conscientiousness, hence endemic incompetence and lack of care. Very interesting analysis of that fail mode of modern capitalism some months back I can't find the reference for now, based on surveys and studies of workforces in various areas of activity. Money madness corrodes everything - its like a universal biocide.

Derek Collett

Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:50

I sympathize with you Igor and hope you manage to retrieve your bike. This is another reason why I am extremely reluctant to put my bike on any FGW train other than a Turbo - one is effectively entrusting the welfare of one's machine to an FGW employee and if they refuse to release it then you are stuffed. There was a time last summer when I put my bike in the cycle compartment of an HST at Charlbury. The guard came down the train checking tickets and then disappeared towards the front of the train, presumably to talk to the driver. When the train arrived at Oxford there was no sign of the guard: he had not come back down the train and was presumably in the cab, i.e. eight coaches away from me and my bike. On this occasion, he did wander back down the platform and release my bike. However, what if he'd forgotten or couldn't be bothered? I would have been faced with the unpalatable choice of either staying on the platform and watching my bike glide off into the distance without me or getting back on the train and attempting to get off the train with my bike at Reading, adding a great deal of extra time to my journey and causing a vast amount of annoyance (and probably I would have been charged a penalty fare as well!).

This is why I only put my bike on Turbos: I can sit next to it and stop people kicking it, stealing it or throwing it out of the train. Also, I determine when and where my bike leaves the train and not a "Train Manager".

I wonder what training FGW personnel are given in dealing with passengers with bicycles? Perhaps Igor could raise this point with FGW.

Igor Goldkind

Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:37

It is true that there was an incident late Friday afternoon in which I was unable to retrieve my bicycle from the reserved bike carriage and the train manager signaled the trains departure with my bike in spite of my protests.

I have circulated an official complaint to FGW, Chris and David Cameron's office. I am therefore going give FGW time to respond to my formal complaint before addressing the specific issue and its implications further.


Sat 25 Oct 2008, 06:48

who is FGR.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:14

We await details of the investigation and recovery effort with bated breath.

And no doubt, thereby hangeth a lesson...

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