An eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth (Admin discussions)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 17:36

Roger - there is a difference between disagreements and abuse. Shouting "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM" and saying "You really need to get yourself a life" is clearly the latter. You would be barred from a pub for that and I see no reason why this website should be diferent.

Igor - I'd add that there is, of course, a written code of conduct which is reasonably explicit. Points 4 and 5 are "Abuse of other contributors will not be tolerated" and "Please post using your real name, not a pseudonym". Having no truck with the lynch mob mentality probably counts as "unwritten", but I hope I made it clear in the response to the Petition thread, as well as my appreciation for your more recent postings.

But if I had to summarise any code, whether written or unwritten, in two words, it would be just this: "be friendly". Neither lynch mobs, nor e-mails telling people to get a life, really count as that.

Igor Goldkind

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 15:20

Oh dear.
For the record,

I wrote to Alan personally, because I didn't think that the general forum audience would necessarily be interested in my taking exception to his personal attack. And make no mistake Alan, calling for any individual to be censored from a public forum couldn’t be more personal an attack.

You have brought a relatively trivial issue I tried to resolve privately with you back to a public forum. What was your complaint again? Oh yeah, that Roger and I go on and on about subjects of no interest to anyone else. Bravo, you’ve made your point.

But to go so far as to insinuate that my talking to you directly is some form of bullying is a charge I won’t leave unanswered: On the contrary, I believe it is you who have tried bullying people you just happen to disagree with by calling for us to be banned.

Why not heat the tar bucket, pluck some feathers and see if you can raise a mob?

I make this point precisely because your perspective is not isolated. There are those both contributing to and lurking on this forum who agree with your premise: That there is some kind of unwritten code of conduct shared by a self appointed elite who claim both representation and moral guardianship of the so called community. They judge themselves to be our moral superiors while judging the differences in others to be a lacking.

And of course they try to gag those who’s opinions they find objectionable.

Usually kept hidden behind a thin veil of social etiquette and feigned politesse, occasionally the veil slips and the character is revealed.

Which is a good thing about this forum

That’s all I have to say on the subject.

roger short

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 14:49

Richard ,as far as i am concerned you can do what you like with your website ,forum and all that goes with it.I have had about as much as i can take of thy holier than thou attitude .I thought that when it said on here ,run by the community for the community it meant that there were bound to be disagreements .Me and Igor have sorted out our differences ,and as you can obviously see from your ivory tower that there have been no bickering or backbiteing for a whie now .
Then along comes someone who claims to know who i am then with his next posting he is asking for me to banned from the forum ,with what reason (that i have an opinion that does not suit him ).As i have said many times on here Charlbury has changed .
Your very own civility comments obviously only extend to some on here or instead of blocking alans thread ,why not let it run to see how many people actually agree with him,or remove it altogether so that we do not have to look at it.
Anyway Richard you do whatever you feel you must do to please the masses and say a prayer for in church while you are at it .


Thu 23 Oct 2008, 12:02

WHY cant peple just leave others alone. is'nt there enough problems in the world.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 10:34

Oh for goodness' sake, it's like trying to deal with kids in a playground sometimes. At least kids are usually willing to learn and listen, which is a concept that some alleged grown-ups seem to have great difficulty with.

Roger - I am completely aghast at your message to Alan…

Long post - click to read full text

Julie Negus

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 09:43

Surely ALL that read the forum are entitled to write their own opinions.
If then Roger and Igor are the only ones who choose to air their veiws,it' s no good chatting amongst yourselves and moaning about them. Good on them for having an opinion!

Get on here and challenge them.
But remember there are always things said in emails that wouldn' t be said face to face.And sending personal emails is out of order guys.:)

roger short

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 05:19

ok alan ,i will ask again in open view what the problem is that you have with me, as i was not allowed to respond to your posting because Richard locked said post .As Richard asked us to be civilised towards each other ,me and Igor came to a gentlemans understanding a few weeks ago as i am sure you will have noticed .
So again i would ask you why the need to post a new thread asking for us to be banned from the forum .We like you have our opinions and i would now be the first to agree that i did go over the top sometimes ,making the forum not a very nice place for others to view ,however me and Igor have agreed on the future postings being in the best interests of all .
So then to have a new thread asking us to be banned from the forum seems to me top be doing exactly what i had been doing ,in somuch as to be a kneejerk reaction at a time when everything had been resolved .
So again i would ask if you have a problem with me ,then lets sort it out for the good of everyone .Thankyou Alan .

Alan Sinclair

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 00:42

Thank you for you views Christine, i hope this will not be my last topic and post. But i will see where it leads and if i get blocked over my points.

Christine Battersby

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 00:35

Alan, I hope it won't be your last post to this forum. We need more voices & a greater diversity of opinions--not the same monotonous voices & the same old hobby horses again & again.

As for personalised emails protesting against your views, it seems to me a kind of bullying. If this is how the new email messaging system is going to be used, Richard should consider either ending the facility altogether or to explore the possibility of blocking emails from those who abuse it in this kind of way.

Alan Sinclair

Wed 22 Oct 2008, 23:48

Some of you may have seen my last post that has been lock,

This was not meant to be a personal attack however it seems to have been taken this way.

When I was younger there was a program on BBC1 called point of view, and this is what my last post was about. My point of view about all the post on Charlbury Info being taken over by the same people with the same opinions, to the existent that the rest of us do not went to add our post.

Talking to a number of people tonight It seems I’m not the only one of this opinion, however maybe I am the only one to speak out.

Their have been some comments made over my last post and I have taken them on board, yes I to can see that Igor at least has made a real effort to be constructive in the past few weeks. But as i have always been told, An eye for an eye or live by the pen die by the pen.

Quoting Roger’s e-mail to me
( WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM .Are you trying to stir up trouble, is that how you get your kicks .You really need to get yourself a life mate before its to late ).

Quoting Igor’s e-mail to me
( Alan, you're quite free to disagree with me or dislike my opinions but calling for some collective a ban on my right to express those opinions is not just literally oppressive, but an appeal to an ugly mob mentality ).

I do understand your email to me Igor so this will probably be my last post on the Charlbury forum.

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