

Sun 2 Nov 2008, 08:41

well this is the last week that the perscriptions will be bourght to the shop cant see it working.


Mon 27 Oct 2008, 12:06

thats what i was saying i cant see it working but hey there not going to listen to us so let them get on with it.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:44

There is another point to take into view though. If you were out at work all day and had a repeat prescription, then how would you receive it. Surely there could be a compromise of those who wished to have their drugs delivered - the rest being left at the shop, as before.

Christine Battersby

Sat 25 Oct 2008, 09:13

Jon's post on 17/10 made me realise that I hadn't fully understood the issue.

I had been thinking about a friend in the district who is in all day, with carers calling in from time to time. She certainly couldn't take delivery of a prescription because she has dementia. Or, at least, 15 minutes later wouldn't remember that she had taken it in or where she had put it. She also couldn't travel anywhere by bus ...

However, I now think it will be up to the various care teams that call in--and also the people in the villages--to work out how best to operate within the new system. I suspect that the care teams will have to arrange to pick up the prescription themselves from the surgery.

So, no, I won't be sending a petition or a letter to the Co-Op--particularly since people in the villages have very divergent views about this. However, I still think this is a real issue that Mandy has identified.


Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:39

there the ones that are complaning about it.i dont think they are helping anyone why cant they leave it as it is its worked for years like this so why change it.i dont want to see anyone out of a job i just cant see the point in this at all.


Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:52

I think that this delivery system is great for the elderley people in our local area who cannot make it to the chemist. Why cant you appreciate that the Co-op are trying to do something to help?

And why sign a petition Christine? surely this should be the decision of the elderley people that are receiving the deliveries??


Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:01

I was interested to read this post. Actually I AM the driver that has been employed for the delivery of these perscriptions. I was looking forward to this job of helping the elderly and infirm receive their perscriptions from a regular friendly face. I have been employed as a carer by the way also. I really cannot see the problem apart from doing me out of a job.


Thu 23 Oct 2008, 11:59

the bus stop is outside the shop. and i dont think there is a free bus to the chemist from finstock do you mean worths bus and these over 60s would have to have a bus pass and you dont have to walk over a ploughed field to get to the shop there is a road which most people use. the field is planted so its easy to walk across.i was not talking about only housbound any way there are alot of people that come to the shop to get there tablets and some like my mum can not drive and wouldnt be able to get the free bus to chalbury it would cost here £3.00 to get to charlbury then more for here tablets and then wait an hour for a bus home just to get some tablets when she could walk to the shop and back in 10 mins. i dont think its a good idea.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 23 Oct 2008, 11:06

If people may be out at work, then we're not talking about the housebound, are we?

If you are mobile, once you are 60 there is a free bus from Finstock to the chemist, and for everybody in Finstock the bus stop is nearer than the shop. But if I were unable to get out of the house, I'd rather have the prescription brought to the door than be told it was a 10 minute walk across a ploughed field (as at present). Some people in Finstock live a good mile from the shop.

And yes, pharmacists are supposed to explain things to patients. And yes, if some drugs are never collected from the shop, that's a worry too. Not least because the system didn't work, and the patients were obviously unable to pick their drugs up after all.

The new system sounds a great improvement to me. And if I were laid up at home and on my own, it would be just what I needed. The present system would let me down.


Wed 22 Oct 2008, 20:01

thats what they said to me but to be honest there is not that many that go back. and if thats the case why stop something that works.
they say that it is a way forward but i cant see that with people working and everyday life people are not going to wait in and they will not post it through the letter box or leave it somewhere safe.
its just a way to get people into the chemist bring back dean it was much better when he was there.

glena chadwick

Wed 22 Oct 2008, 18:11

I asked the Co-op why they were changing the system for delivering drugs and they said it was because some were not collected from the shop. Also, if they call they can explain anything that needs explaining.


Fri 17 Oct 2008, 15:56

i can see your point but the people that are house bound have carers come in to get them as for drugs behind the countier it's been done that way for 5 years with no problems and years before that when we the other shop.alot of the older people like to get there perscriptions from the shop just to have someone to talk to. delvery is ok in the summer but what about dark winter nights when its dark by 4pm i think they should leave it as it is.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 17 Oct 2008, 15:46

If the Co-op are going to deliver people's prescriptions to them at home, during afternoon daylight hours, is that really such a bad idea? After all, if you are housebound and live at the top of Finstock High Street, having your drugs delivered to the village shop may not be much help to you either.

In any case, having packets of drugs left behind the counter of a village shop, run by volunteers, isn't necessarily a brilliant idea.

I suspect that if this was a completely new service, and the Co-op suddenly announced that less mobile people from surrounding villages could have their prescriptions delivered to them at home, instead of having to get a friend to collect them from Charlbury, we'd all be saying how fantastic the Co-op is.

Christine Battersby

Fri 17 Oct 2008, 13:34

Mandy, Let me know if there is anything practical I can do--like signing a letter or petition. I think a lot of other people would do the same, including many of the co-op shareholders who (technically) own the Co-op.

roger short

Fri 17 Oct 2008, 13:28

Well there is always you Mandy ,you could become delivery lady for finstock.nice friendly face knocking at the door .


Fri 17 Oct 2008, 12:57

there reason is all there other chemists are doing it and its a way forward but all the other chemist are in towns where people can get to the other reason is that they dont always get picked up from the shops and then have to go back.this has upset alot of people.BUT then they have got to empoly a driver and is it going to take 2 hours to do this in i think not if the postmen cant do there delverys in 2 hours how can they.

roger short

Fri 17 Oct 2008, 11:41

I would say Mandy if it aint broke why fix it .The fact that the co-op are doing this shows that they are so far out of touch with small communities like this .Like you i feel that unless there is a very good reason for doing this ,then they should leave well alone.As you say older people do not want to have to answer the door to people that they do not know especially in the winter when its getting dark earlier.

Christine Battersby

Fri 17 Oct 2008, 11:18

Mandy, I didn't know & think this is awful!

Like many other people, I donate my Co-op rewards to a fund for local needs. This is precisely the sort of thing that I would have expected to be covered should there be some cost to the Co-op with respect to this.

Have you been in touch with the Co-op about this? What is the rationale that they are giving? I would happily write to the Co-op or sign a petition against this. If they didn't respond I would ask them to direct my dividend elsewhere.


Fri 17 Oct 2008, 09:11

did you know that from november 10th people who live in villages like finstock,stonesfield leafield will no longer be able to get there perscriptions from there local shop as the co op is stopping this. this is ok for people that can drive as they can get it from charlbury.but for older people and the ones that can not drive they are going to do a delveried to the the mon to fri between 2pm and 4pm
i think this is wrong as alot of older people do not like answering there do and some can not as they are bed bound.what do you all think.

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