May morning in Oxford tomorrow. Will it be televised?

Christine Elliott
👍 1

Sat 1 May 2021, 09:57 (last edited on Sat 1 May 2021, 11:02)

For a flavour of May morning, here are some videos I made 10 years ago in 2011 when May Day fell on a Sunday - lovely weather, lots of people and lots of weird stuff going on:

6.45am - Green band on the steps of the Clarendon Building

7.45am - Morris dancing in Broad Street including Charlbury & Finstock Morris

8am - 9am - Sol Samba from the Brazilian North East traditional Maracatu Baque de Sol. Jazz saxaphone and trombone outside Blackwells at 8.30am. Children sing Bob the Builder on the steps of the Clarendon Building. Green band members travel home by bike. Veg-in-Clover tricycle with solar powered guitar. Hertford College Chapel Choir singing from the Bridge of Sighs at 9am. Morris sides converge on Teddy Hall for breakfast.

For completeness, the events at Magdalen College Tower are the start of May Morning, this video is from the year before with crowds converging for the singing at 6am. Magdalen College Choir sing from the top of the tower to the thousands of people in the street below. Hymnus Eucharisticus is sung first in latin then "Sumer is icumen in". The college bells ring out at 6.10am and the crowds head off to watch Morris dancing, other musicians and dancers in nearby streets. Pubs and cafes open up early and many students have been up all night at May balls.

Shelagh Scott
👍 1

Sat 1 May 2021, 08:40

Here is a link.

Charlie M
👍 2

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 12:55

The only time I have ever had Tequila Sunrise with Kedgeree for breakfast! (At Browns!) Hope to do it again sometime ...

Jean Adams

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 12:19 (last edited on Fri 30 Apr 2021, 12:27)

Event cancelled. Just on line at 6am, enter May morning .The choir prerecorded. How sad is that. Champagne in bed at 6am listening to Oxford Radio will be second best. 

michele marietta
👍 2

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 10:35

Champagne at sunrise in Port Meadow, and then breakfast at The Oak!! I miss those days.

Jean Adams

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:38

Sorry. Announced on Oxford Radio this morning.

Jean Adams

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:34

So many memories of dashing to Oxford in the early morning to hear the singing from Magdalen Tower then having breakfast in the Botanic Garden. 

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