Were you a Scout in the 1980s ?

Miles Walkden
👍 4

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 17:44

Ha! I thought this was going to be a class-action thread.

Cheryl Horsey

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 16:08

Leah, I knew you would turn up trumps!  (Fab DofE award photo of those Rangers outside the Museum by the way). Strangely, my contact didn't mention food poisoning! I don't suppose you have any more details or photos of the Broughton camp?

Leah Fowler

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 15:59

My three children all took part, Ruth camped with the Rangers and Venture Scouts,  Stephen with the Scouts (he got food poisoning) and David went for the day with the cubs. 

Cheryl Horsey

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 14:05

I have been contacted by a Scout Leader in Scotland, who was a Scout in the 1980s in Charlbury - he remembers a camp he went to in the 80s called Mafeking. It was near Broughton Castle and was a huge camp (from memory)

If you have any records or photos from this camp which you would be happy to share, please message me.

Thanks in advance!

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