Thame Street Closure

Heather Williams
👍 1

Tue 4 May 2021, 17:20

Is it all clear now, as I usually come into work that way, but been going via Chippy.

Tony Graeme
👍 3

Tue 4 May 2021, 14:49

For information; Thames Street has now been re-opened. 

Philip Ambrose
👍 7

Mon 3 May 2021, 08:49

There needs to be some action NOW as regards the bottom of Nine Acre. No additional powers are required as it clearly states in the Highway Code that you should not park within 30 feet / 9 metres of a road junction. 

While I'm on my soap box, it is also illegal to park an unlit vehicle on the right (i.e. facing the wrong way) on a two-way street after dark. Quite a few examples of this on the Enstone Road. Drivers show your (vehicle's) backside to the approaching traffic! The red reflectors are fitted to it for a reason. Perfectly OK to park there, but the correct way round please.

Carl A Perkins
👍 3

Sun 2 May 2021, 14:47

The road closure obviously doesn’t apply to motorcyclists who insist on mounting the pavement and making any pedestrians wait. I’ve counted two lots of them today. Not very safe! 

vicky burton
👍 6

Wed 28 Apr 2021, 10:13

It's very confusing to anyone not familiar with what's happening, to be faced on Market Street with one sign stating road ahead closed and another stating diversion. It looks contradictory! People are so used to old signs left up, that they take little notice and drive on. So many people on this forum foresaw the debacle Market St closure would cause. Well done Charlbury Cricket Club for trying to help.

Brian Murray
👍 7

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 19:00

A sign simply reading 'Road Ahead Closed' at the start of Market Street is unhelpful to those who do not know Charlbury and the present situation with MKJ/Gigaclear.. The real problem is whoever has the ultimate responsibility for signage doesn't understand what he has allowed to happen, has little foresight and doesn't care about the inconvenience to road users and residents. Rather than spend money on clear signs, made specifically for the present situation, he has allowed the use of stock signs advising of road closure and diversion. It's not good enough.

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 16:43 (last edited on Tue 27 Apr 2021, 16:46)

There is also a sign saying "diversion" which directs traffic that was diverted along Nineacres Lane  and Enstone Rd to go along Market St and down Dyers Hill. 

Shelagh Scott
👍 4

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 15:41 (last edited on Tue 27 Apr 2021, 16:56)

Outside the Corner House, on Market Street, is a sign simply saying Road Ahead Closed. Wouldn't it help motorists more if it told them they can turn left at the end of Market Street to reach Burford etc.?

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 12:01 (last edited on Tue 27 Apr 2021, 12:08)

This would require a temporary traffic regulation order, which would undoubtedly take longer than the closure to organise. And I am not sure that people living in Church St and Dyers Hill would welcome cars and vans idling at traffic lights with their engines on. None of this is ideal for any of us, I know, but we have endured not being able to get to Witney for a few weeks - this will be over in a lot less time than that closure!

Brigid Avison
👍 2

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 11:49

Liz, would it be possible for MJK to arrange a traffic control system to turn Market Street into a route from Dyers Hill (ie, lights at either end of Market Street)? Last night we advised an Amazon delivery driver, who was about to turn into Market Street from Dyers Hill, that he couldn't do so, and that he would have to go via Chadlington to deliver to a large number of addresses in Charlbury -- for gig workers, the extra time and petrol of this kind of detour is significant, and the current situation must be making many people's journeys very tiresome!

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 10:38

Yellow warning signs now in place all the way from the A361.  

Rachael Lunney
👍 1

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 07:08

Cant mkj put parking corner corner of nine accress lane

Mark Sulik
👍 3

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 00:32

Predicted and was avoidable ! Road was open at 8.20 , and closed at 11.30 .

Amanda Epps

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 22:14

And when I went past at 2.40pm.

Alan Cobb

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 19:36

Liz, whatever MKJ may have told you, Thames St was definitely closed at 3:00pm.

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 18:10 (last edited on Mon 26 Apr 2021, 18:14)

The road was definitely open when I drove in to Charlbury this morning at midday.  I can only go on what I am told by MKJ/Gigaclear and I was told that the signs would be in place by 5.30 this evening. after which the road would be closed.  I will ask about traffic lights but this will be up to MKJ.  I will also check on the signs along the B4022.

Paul D Jenkins
👍 3

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 18:09 (last edited on Mon 26 Apr 2021, 18:09)

To possible help the situation, Charlbury Cricket Club are offering for all residents in the Dyers Hill/ Market street vicinity to park in the overflow area of the cricket club with immediate effect. The top gate will be left open for the duration of the works. We need to seek formal permission from Cornbury to do this but we are sure , as always,that they will seek to help. From now the gate will be left open unless we notify otherwise.....

vicky burton
👍 3

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 16:26

A coach  and bus driver have just had words (and backed up traffic even more) whilst trying to navigate passed each other at the junction of Charlbury Rd and Nine Acres. It's bad enough trying to navigate that junction on a normal traffic day with cars parked all over the place which serves to turn a dual direction rd in the middle of a town, in to a single carriageway. Couldn't police cones or better still temporary traffic lights be used on this busy junction?

Amanda Epps
👍 5

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 15:24

Liz, it’s a very dangerous situation.  I parked in Market Street earlier and saw car after car driving the wrong way along it.  As I drove home legally via Chadlington and Spelsbury numerous cars passed driving towards the closure.  I looked carefully at junctions to see if the closure signs were up and saw none.

Grace Cahill
👍 3

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 15:13

Yes, Thames Street has been closed since before 10am this morning. I went down Forest Road just before 12 and a car stopped me to ask whether the road was closed ahead as there are no signs. Also saw one angry van driver make as if to ram an oncoming car as he couldn’t reverse up the narrow gap between cars on Dyers Hill. To make things worse the plastic barriers put out cut off a large part of the junction so there’s no longer any room to U-turn at the top if needed, and there’s been cars passing the wrong way up Market St all day. There needs to be more adequate action taken to prevent an accident. 

Alan Cobb
👍 2

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 15:02 (last edited on Mon 26 Apr 2021, 15:02)

Thames St is definitely closed.  If there are diversion signs then a lot of drivers are ignoring them.  Seen quite a few having to reverse down Dyers Hill.  Some of them are ignoring the No entry signs at the end of Market St, so beware if coming the right way along Market St, there may be traffic coming the other way.

Liz Leffman

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 13:33 (last edited on Mon 26 Apr 2021, 13:33)

Yes, Brian, I have confirmed that is the case.  The road will only be closed when the signs are in place and that should be later today.

Brian Murray

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 12:54


Does this mean that Thames Street will remain open until unambiguous closure and diversion signs have been put in place?

Liz Leffman

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 12:09

Thames St is still open and I have asked Gigacelar to let me know when it will be closed., and when signs will be in place.

Joanne Fox

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 09:49

Don’t see any Road Closed signs!

Cars are driving up to Thames Street with no where to go. 

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 22:10

There will be warning signs in place before the Leafield and Chadlington turns

Mark Sulik
👍 2

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 20:03 (last edited on Fri 23 Apr 2021, 07:59)

Without any clear response or comment, Church Lane and Dyers Hill and any traffic entering from the direction of Burford and the Wychwoods , will have to be diverted ( or the road closed ) before the Leafield turn? Otherwise, where will the traffic go or be able to to turn around ! ?  Chaos is anticipated - especially with the HGV ‘s that ignore the weight limit over the bridge.

Has this been thought through fully. One option is to make Market Street 2 way on a traffic light system for the duration of the works -  its not ideal - but an option (cars only ?)

Any ideas of what’s happening or planed - before the road gets blocked . Station users beware!

Harriet Baldwin
👍 2

Wed 21 Apr 2021, 17:09

I'd rather they didn't stay, as I assume they're the reason there's no parking on the car park. I'm waiting for an urgent operation and having been told I am absolutely not to do too much exercise or risk permanent damage it's annoying to find I have no option but to walk to and from my shifts in the co-op because there's nowhere to park either there or in the Enstone road. 

Angus B
👍 2

Wed 21 Apr 2021, 15:22 (last edited on Wed 21 Apr 2021, 15:23)

Please don't invite MKJ to stay, Richard: I avoided a contretemps this morning when I went cross Market Street having looked, as usual, one way. A car was approaching from the other way. Not very slowly, either!

Michael Peake
👍 2

Wed 21 Apr 2021, 10:08

I agree Richard.

I went for a quick walk yesterday evening. When I came back, you got a view of Market Street without a single car in sight and it felt the most peaceful I can remember.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 2

Wed 21 Apr 2021, 09:52

When they’re not working directly outside our house (which was only for a day or so) it’s actually lovely with Market Street closed. There’s no traffic, you can walk safely down the street, and you don’t have to worry about stepping out of your front door to be flattened by a truck that has mounted the pavement. I think I might invite MKJ to stay…

vicky burton
👍 1

Tue 20 Apr 2021, 10:18 (last edited on Tue 20 Apr 2021, 10:19)

I feel so sorry for you people who live on Market Street: I walked down there yesterday whilst the contractors were digging up the road. The noise was phenomenal as the houses are so close the noise just bounces back. I imagine that even in your homes, the noise is still very intrusive to the point of headaches. It will be over soon though.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 19 Apr 2021, 22:38

I believe that Chadlington was finished slightly early, and was not in any case scheduled for next week. It is the most obvious route, but could be busy with the extra traffic.

There are road repairs planned for the A44 in Enstone at the start of the week, but there seems to be an easy route round (but with some delays, no doubt). 

Rachel Ramsay
👍 6

Mon 19 Apr 2021, 21:42

There is no longer a stay home order in place Jean, and there are and were numerous perfectly legitimate reasons to leave Charlbury even during the full lockdown. So with respect, that’s not very helpful. These road closures are causing total chaos. 
Apologies I’ve missed a post somewhere but did someone say that the resurfacing work has been done in Chadlington now - so ok to use that diversion?

Jean Adams

Mon 19 Apr 2021, 21:04

We were told to Stay Home. Stay in Charlbury.We have the Deli, with outside tables. The Coop for foods and drinks. A pub with tables outside, the Bell is opening on Wednesday. Maraedy, Hairdresser in Sheep Street is open and Clarimore Beautique for all your beauty needs. The Barber I believe is open.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 19 Apr 2021, 19:54

You have my sympathy, Kate. But what makes you think there's a problem in Leafield next week? I can't see anything showing up on after April 26th. And the various roadworks in Finstock should be finished by then.

I imagine your best route into the centre of town would be Chadlington and then direct into Charlbury, but the Leafield route also seems possible.

Kate Smith

Mon 19 Apr 2021, 19:21 (last edited on Mon 19 Apr 2021, 19:21)

What of those of us who live on Dyers Hill and Church Lane below the closure? It sounds as if we will only be able to get to Stonesfield, Fawler, Oxford or anywhere at all in Charlbury by going through Chadlington to Chippie and Enstone? Or else through Leafield - oh wait no they are re-surfacing so we can't get back into Charlbury... Could we have a permit please to go the wrong way down Market St.?

John Kearsey

Sun 18 Apr 2021, 11:43

Jonathan - the signs on the Spelsbury to Chipping Norton road are there in advance of road re-surfacing. With regard to parking in Thames St, surely even one car parked on the narrow stretch would block it? I remember Market St being made two way temporarily during some other work on Thames St, but it was a long time ago!

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 20:13 (last edited on Sat 17 Apr 2021, 20:29)

Sorry the map is so blurry - I will see if I can get a better one to put up next week. I was sent it by MKJ so as far as I know here isn't a link to it anywhere else.  I will  check with Highways what signage is planned on the Forest Road, as you are right that drivers needs to be warned about the closure well before arriving at the bottom of Dyers Hill.

Jane Crane

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 14:12

Thank you Liz and Brian, I think this is a matter for highways. As an aside coming home from Chipping Norton last night there is an extensive area that’s been re-chipped, which was a surprise as there was no sign when I used this road at 10.30 am !

J. Luxmoore
👍 5

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 12:26

I have noticed what seems to be a growing problem with dumb, incomprehensible temporary road signs - notably "Diversion" and "Road closed". I recently drove from Chippy to Charlbury, with signs all the way along proclaiming "Road closed ahead". There were no problems and the road was not closed. There are now signs on the same road instructing you to drive at 20 mph because of loose stones. I haven't noticed any loose stones anywhere. I have the impression the contractors (or whoever they are) put them up and then don't bother to remove them once the problem (if there even was a problem) is solved....

Brian Murray
👍 3

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 11:47

Rather than simply having a sign on exiting the station, directing all traffic to turn left, there must be clear and unambiguous signs ahead of the Chadlington and Leafield junctions advising that there is no access to Charlbury. There should also be signs giving motorists advanced warning on the roads from those two villages and on the Burford road. What's more, this is far too important to be left to MKJ/Gigaclear and must be undertaken by Oxon highways dept. There is enough time for proper and correctly worded signs to be made and put in place. This must be conveyed to Highways for their attention first thing Monday morning. 

Christine Battersby

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 11:22 (last edited on Sat 17 Apr 2021, 11:23)

Andrew, Yes. Presumably a U-turn. There will be nowhere else to go. That's why there will be a notice at the exit to the station saying "turn left only". What's puzzling me is what happens to any heavy vehicles who need to deliver to Market Street or the houses on Dyer's Hill, the Church etc.

The vehicles will be able to get there OK, but the only route out will be over the weight-limited bridge. Perhaps Liz's map says something about this. But I couldn't read it either. 

Andrew Greenfield
👍 2

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 10:29 (last edited on Sat 17 Apr 2021, 10:33)

Unless I've missed it, so far nobody has told us what traffic coming up Dyers Hill will have to do when it gets to the top.

If it can't turn left into Thames Street and can not temporarily use Market Street  the "wrong" way it will have to make a U turn and go back down.

Oh, what a circus!

Sorry Liz, but the map you have posted on this site is no help and totally unreadable; is there a link to a better version anywhere? I can't find one but it must be available somewhere surely?

David Cook
👍 2

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 10:15

Liz, your comment 'many people' I assume has been supported by a survey of opinions, I would be interested to know if the many were in the majority. Parking in Market Street is an inconvenience if you have to carry shopping or luggage to the bottom of Thames Street. Permits are the way forward and you should be campaigning for permits and include in your manifesto and not deliver policies which are not in your manifesto.

Alan Cobb

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 07:38

Closed til 7th May, Jo.

Joanne Fox

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 23:17

When is Thames Street due to reopen if it starts on April 26?

John Munro
👍 2

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 20:07

If this thread has now moved on from the Thames St closure to parking in Charlbury, can it not be renamed and/or moved to the Debate area? 

Leah Fowler
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 19:26

When the yellow lines were put in we were told at a public meeting that you cannot have residents parking unless you have a full time traffic warden. 

Jean Adams

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 19:06

I do not understand the objection to Licences for parking spaces outside your property. It worked well when we lived in Hampstead being adjacent to Hampstead Heath, a station and a hospital.

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 15:50

This will run and run until it’s too late. As usual, we wait for disasters and tragedies to happen before tackling the causes and planning for a sustainable future.

Carl A Perkins
👍 3

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 15:31

I thought the point of devolution was to target and address specific issues in specific areas. West Oxfordshire covers a huge area so what’s the point in having a sweeping policy without taking into consideration the needs of local communities? This is why I rarely bother voting in local elections because whatever parish candidates say gets overridden by district and whatever district say gets overridden by county. Devolution doesn’t work

Liz Leffman
👍 9

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 14:50

West Oxfordshire will not allow a parking permit scheme - free parking across the District is a holy grail to the current administration, regardless of local situations (Charlbury is not alone in facing parking issues).  As regards Nine Acres, many people would like to see the double yellow lines extended to make the corner with Pound Hill safer.  And the removal of some parking there could be compensated for by increasing the number of spaces on Market St where there are some double yellow lines that serve no purpose now that the post office has moved.

David Cook
👍 3

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 14:36

Liz, parking in Nine acres may be on your radar, a good reason not to vote for you, among other reasons , I do not have off street parking so where am I suppose to park. A parking permit scheme seems the best way forward. A single permit per household and excludes people with odd-street parking.

Carl A Perkins
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 11:30

Perhaps consider introducing a parking permit scheme so that every property in affected areas is guaranteed a space for their use only? 

It should also be the responsibility of estate agents to stress the lack of parking around the town

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 11:15 (last edited on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 11:16)

Parking, especially on Nine Acres Lane,  is on my radar, but any changes will need the agreement of the new town council and residents will need to be consulted first.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 11:04 (last edited on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 11:09)

Vicky, it's not next Monday, but the Monday after that (26th April - 7th May). And the A44 through the centre of Enstone is also scheduled for closure on the 26th - 28th April.

The A44 closure has been put off once, and might well be again -- I would hope so!

The Chadlington and Spelsbury roads will be open by then, so that's probably the most direct route (for light traffic, at least).

Carl A Perkins
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:59 (last edited on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 11:26)

Well maybe parking should be considered by our prospective councillors as to me it seems like an issue that hasn't had the attention it needs as the problem gets worse. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think any of the manifestos mentions parking. The pavements are a shambles too!

We have to park in this 'nuisance' area that you refer to because there is simply nowhere else to park! Where do you propose people park? Market Street is always full as is the small area available on Dyers Hill. These streets were designed for horse and cart and over the years more and more cars have appeared. Many households nowadays have several cars which adds to the problem...

vicky burton

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:55 (last edited on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:56)

So just so I get this right for Monday morning: To get from Ascott to Charlbury, the most direct route is via Chippy to Enstone?

Christine Battersby

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:50 (last edited on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:56)

Where will any delivery lorries to Market Street go? Or will HGVs be banned? There's a weight limit on the bridge.

It would be a good idea also to ask for parking restrictions by the blind corner at 9 Acres Lane. There's going to be a lot of diverted traffic heading for the station turning left, and the parked cars near that corner are always such a nuisance.

Also, Enstone Rd (A44) is now scheduled for closure for roadworks between 26 - 28 April. It would be a good idea if that could be postponed until Thames St is open again. 

Liz Leffman

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:31

This is what I have been told by Gigaclear.  Thames St will be closed for the period of the work, as they cannot maintain the legal minimum width of 2,5 metres for traffic to pass along it.  I have requested signs to be placed at the station to ensure that traffic turns left so we do not have chaos at the top of Dyers Hill with traffic trying to access the town and then having to turn round.  I have also requested signs to ensure that traffic is not tempted to go down Market St the wrong way. It will be possible to turn left out of Market St to go down Dyers Hill. Any traffic coming down Nine Acres Lane will have to turn right. I will post the map showing the signs and diversions on the news part of this site.

Charlie M
👍 2

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:19

I've not been following this too closely, but I have a "gut reaction":

Seeing that Gigaclear will be making so much money out of its Charlbury monopoly, I would suggest that they make an annual donation to Charlbury's infrastructure, after the massive inconvenience that they have caused. No idea of the finances involved, but an annual minimum sum of £15,000 (say) could be useful for the Community Centre, Corner House/Memorial Hall upkeep, Riverside Festival, or for any other part of the community.

Just an idea ...

John Munro
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:16

Market St due to reopen on 23rd April. Thames St due to close on 26th....

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 10:01

....except that Market Street is still closed I believe?

Carl A Perkins

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 09:57

according to the leaflet I had the road is closed from where you immediately turn left into Thames Street from Dyers Hill up to the junction with Nine Acres. You will therefore be able to turn onto Dyers Hill from Market Street and turn right on to Charlbury Road from Nine Acres

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 09:43

Whereabouts does the closure start.  Are you able to up Dyers Hill into Charlbury and turn left into Thames Street?

John Munro
👍 1

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 09:24

How about this for a simple temporary solution for traffic coming into town- open up the churchyard gates and operate a one-way system so that you come up Dyers Hill, turn into Church Lane,  go through the churchyard and out into Church Street/Park Street. - BUT before anyone 'kicks off' - I AM JOKING! 

Hannen Beith

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 17:34

Absolute ruddy nightmare.

I postponed my medical appointment in Chippy yesterday because I just couldn't risk being delayed or unable to get there.

However (!) I did manage to make it to the Plough which was a nightmare as trucks/vans etc were all using the B roads, and I was astonished to find on 2 occasions that there were OCC operatives patching up road surfaces on the narrow roads.  I know they need it, potholes everywhere, but really, is there no-one overseeing this debacle?

Anyway, got there 10 minutes late, with no blow outs.  Lovely as usual, but unsurprisingly heaving!  

"One of the best places to live in the UK".  Not in the past year.

Liz Leffman
👍 2

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 17:22 (last edited on Thu 15 Apr 2021, 17:27)

The Spelsbury and Chadlington roads will only be closed for a couple of days and the bridge at Finstock will be open early next week.  However some good points raised especially regarding traffic coming into Charlbury from the station end and for people on Market St.  I will see if I can find out what Gigaclear are proposing.

veronica robinson
👍 2

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 16:45

It would possibly make sense to stop parking along Market Street and make it two way for the duration of work on Thames Street.

Harriet Baldwin
👍 1

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 16:30 (last edited on Thu 15 Apr 2021, 16:31)

So in order to get to Burford, I can't go via Spelsbury/Chadlington because that road will be closed, I can't go via Dyers Hill, and I guess Finstock is still not possible either? So do I have to go out to Enstone and along the main road to chippy and then onto the A361?

And how will people get to Carterton for vaccinations?

john h
👍 2

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 16:09

And where do folks go if you arrive in Charlbury via Dyers Hill??. If Market St is made 2way then I want a seat at Bull  Corner to watch the chaos. John H

Jane Crane

Thu 15 Apr 2021, 13:10

Can anyone advice how this closure will work please. 

Those of us living on Market Street wander if there will be more traffic using it two-ways than already happens before any closures.

Also how do we get from Market Street to anywhere other than via Dyers Hill?

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