Owl rescue desperate plea

Colin Critch
(site admin)
👍 2

Mon 5 Apr 2021, 09:25 (last edited on Mon 5 Apr 2021, 09:27)

Hi Rachel

Having also been a victim of a failing freezer we eventually invested in some alarms which once set up work quite well.

This one just beeps at you


This one sends you emails


I also set a UPS ( a battery that keeps the router and wireless alert  going for half an hour) so that if the building power fails the email alert can still be sent.


Rachel Cooper
👍 3

Fri 2 Apr 2021, 18:38 (last edited on Fri 2 Apr 2021, 20:14)

This is Chrissies website. There are different ways to donate on here. Every little bit helps. Huge thank you to everyone if you have already donated. It makes such a difference. Just over a week she took in a beautiful barn owl who was found in a hedgerow. It looked like it had digested poison. With fluids, medication, and Chrissie care she has nurtured it back from the brink. Today he’s fighting for food and soon to be released back into the wild. Such a worthy cause. 


Miles Walkden

Fri 2 Apr 2021, 17:58

Can you post a donation link?

Rachel Cooper
👍 2

Fri 2 Apr 2021, 14:59

Thank you to anyone who has managed to donate a little. Chrissie is on her way to pick up a freezer. Now just to fill it back up again! Thank you again

Rachel Cooper
👍 3

Fri 2 Apr 2021, 11:49

Please delete if not aloud Richard. 
As some of you know since I had to close my salon (due to covid regulations) I have been volunteering for a local Owl rescue centre in Stonesfield, Chrissies Owls. This has been hugely rewarding. Her work for sick and injured birds of pray is amazing. Like all charities Chrissies Owls has struggled. Unfortunately today she has had another set back. So putting out a huge plea for anyone who has a under counter freezer they are wanting to get rid of. 
RESCUE APPEAL. After a year not being able to go out with the birds to fund the rescue disaster has struck again since going to one of our tabletop freezers for mice when we opened it this morning we found that it had packed up, we have just had to throw over £200 of small mice away, I am gutted. PLEASE CAN ANYBODY HELP WITH A DONATION TO BUY MORE TO REPLACE THEM, we have five wild rescues in at the moment that need mice and we have now lost over a months supply. ALSO WE ARE DESPERATE FOR A TABLE TOP FREEZER, second hand is fine but we cannot pay for it, has anyone got one they can donate please.  

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