Weight limit fines

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 3

Tue 23 Mar 2021, 11:15

The bridge limit is a “structural” one – so nothing is allowed over it, full stop. (At least in theory. I think OCC probably turn a blind eye to rail replacement buses.)

The town centre limit is an “environmental” one, which means that heavy traffic is allowed in to access properties within the area. It appears largely unpoliceable unless you follow each lorry through the town to check that it’s not delivering somewhere in Charlbury.

So construction traffic is allowed within the town to buid a house, but not over the river bridge.

(I think!)

Charlie M
👍 2

Tue 23 Mar 2021, 10:46 (last edited on Tue 23 Mar 2021, 11:56)

Interesting. And will these restrictions apply - for example - to the anticipated building on the desecrated site behind the old police house on Hixet Wood?

I suggest we keep a careful eye on it.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 4

Tue 23 Mar 2021, 09:20

Oxfordshire County Council have just posted that they’ve fined an HGV driver for breaking the weight limit in Charlbury – there’s no further details but I’m presuming from the left-hand photo that it’s the river bridge rather than the town centre restriction.


It does illustrate that it’s worth reporting any vehicles you see breaking the limit. You can report them here: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/business/trading-standards/weight-restriction-enforcement

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