'Flea Market' / 'Give & Take'- any plans for after lockdown?

Victoria Chan

Thu 25 Mar 2021, 18:13

Hi Sarah,

There's the Charlbury Preschool jumble sale on Facebook if you don't mind posting them on facebook or on Charlbury.info adverts.

Basically you 'sell' them on the advert / facebook and request that the payment be made to the Charlbury Preschool justgiving page: https://justgiving.com/campaign/cpsmumblejumblesale

Here is a link to the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cpsmumblejumblesale

Sarah Bartram

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 15:51

Just wondering if there are any plans for a local Flea Market/Give & Take after lockdown? I know that I can give any books to Corner House but have have other things that I would give to a charity shop (though from what you read they are totally overstocked now so may not even be taking donations for awhile even once we are out of lockdown) though would prefer to give to a local event.

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