
catherine searby

Sat 20 Mar 2021, 13:11

I managed to find one in Summertown and will see her on Tuesday. I hope that she can sort my knee out. Thanks for all the replies. 

Liz Leffman

Sat 20 Mar 2021, 13:04

Sadly, the NHS physiotherapy service was cut to the bone about 5 years ago.  Very short-sighted, as when people lose their mobility and suffer pain because of an injury, it affects their health in general which potentially puts strain on other NHS services.  Private physios do a good job in my experience but not everyone can afford them.

Deborah Longshaw

Sat 20 Mar 2021, 12:51

I can now speak from experience having now had an appointment with Rhiannon. To start off with, sadly it is telephone appt only, after which I was sent a link which provided me with videos of 10 or so exercises relevant to my injury, not quite the same as actually having someone next to you talking you through them & ensuring that they are being performed correctly, but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers. My generation (& older) have been spoilt having memory of such a service (sigh), a thing of the past I fear. I am sure though that if one is struggling or the problem is not being sorted that a face to face consultation will happen, the big problem is with Rhiannon being the sole Physio for the area, I can imagine that there will be a waiting list. Okay for young ‘uns, not so funny for the elderly! 😞

Joanne Fox

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 11:57

From Charlbury Surgery newsletter:

“The first contact physiotherapist Rhiannon Stidever started work at the end of January and is kept busy by CMC patients. If you would like a consultation with Rhiannon, please ring reception. Rhiannon works here every Friday and one in four Wednesdays.”

Leah Fowler
👍 4

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 08:58

I need one too!! There should be a law against making an 83 year-old  woman do chest compressions for half an hour kneeling !

catherine searby

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 08:08

Does anybody have a recommendation for a local physiotherapist? I saw a woman in Charlbury a couple of years ago but can't find her on the listing here. Thanks

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