Over-zealous hedge cutting on Spelsbury - Chippy road

john h
👍 2

Fri 19 Mar 2021, 13:41

Jess. I am suggesting  the overhanging  trees that obstruct a third of the carriageway should be cut back, the potholes make a narrowed road even more dangerous  to negotiate, as you have to move to the centre of the road to avoid both. John H

Jess Goyder
👍 1

Fri 19 Mar 2021, 11:36 (last edited on Fri 19 Mar 2021, 14:04)

Thank you for the swift replies, especially Liz. I slightly question if the same rules don't apply to saplings as to trees at that height (isn't 5m a tree and don't plenty of trees self seed?). Also, how long re-growth will take in this instance. 

Are you really suggesting we cut the tree trunks in the village centre down to two metres to compensate for potholes John ;) ?  

But most importantly I appreciate a different perspective and good to know the overall intention behind this - thanks again Phil. 

Jean Adams

Wed 17 Mar 2021, 20:24

Are you sure it wasn’t Beavers? Sorry watching beavers in Wyoming. I agree it is a bit stark but I am sure the hedgerow will grow back.

john h

Wed 17 Mar 2021, 13:47

Perhaps the trees on the village centre could be next,effectively down to single lane now, the potholes do not help. John H

Phil Morgan
👍 5

Wed 17 Mar 2021, 13:30

Jess, I do agree that it looks awful at the moment. But I also understand why it needed to be done. It is common practice in the farming community and tends to be done at 10 to 15 year intervals (this one seems to have been done a bit late!)

These were self-seeded saplings rather than trees. As I gauge it, they have been cut at more than 2 metres. The purpose is to regenerate the hedgerow and that is why it is done just before the sap rises and sprouting begins. Over the next 2 growing seasons we will see a lot of new greenery along this stretch of road and it will look a lot better.

Incidentally, it will improve the wildlife habitat rather than deplete it.

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 22:08

Jess, it was a local farmer who cut these hedges, not the council. I know who it is and I have been in touch with him about it.

Jess Goyder
👍 7

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 21:23

It appears a contractor has lobbed off an entire row of trees and hedgerow at around 1.5m high on the road that leaves Spelsbury towards Chippy. I’m aware that road safety is important but many hedgerows along the road have been stripped completely unnecessarily. If this level of topiary is what they’re after, perhaps they could do away with vegetation altogether and build concrete windbreaks instead?

I jest but it looks awful.

More importantly, this is a loss of valuable habitat when I would have hoped encouraging biodiversity would be local government policy by now.

I’m wondering what the rationale is here - maybe I don’t know the whole story?

Does the council use any quality control when it comes to their contractors and their work? And if so, is this acceptable?

Thoughts appreciated. If others feel the same, I’m wondering what could be done to make sure this doesn’t happen again...

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