White Cat

vicky burton

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 09:37

Sorry, just to clarify; he has been seen more recently than Saturday then?

Katrina Hadirampela

Wed 17 Mar 2021, 11:35

I just wanted to thank you all so much for the messages and calls letting me know that you have seen him. I haven't yet seen him myself and he still hasn't come home. 

It's unlike him to stay outside for this long. I can only assume that he is being fed and in someone else home. As he really love to eat and cuddle up with a human. 

At least I know that he is around and well(?) I will keep looking for him and hopefully we'll get him back home ASAP. :)

Simon J Harley

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 19:53

A white cat followed me into my garage on Rochester Place on Saturday.  I made sure it left when I shut the door but have just double checked to ensure it hadn't got back in.  It might be worth while checking the garages there. 

Alice Millea

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 16:16

Hi Katrina. We've seen a lot of your very sweet cat but not since yesterday. Ours (a small black cat) was the one he followed into Rochester Place yesterday afternoon. They seem to hang out together. I haven't seen yours today but he likes trying to get into our house (he succeeded once). If we see him, we'll let you know. 

Wendy Gilbert

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 15:43

We saw a white cat in Lee Close yesterday about 5pm. He seemed to be following another cat. We cut through to Rochester Place and that is where we left them. I hope you find him. 

Carole Partlett

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 15:34 (last edited on Tue 16 Mar 2021, 15:52)

I am pretty sure that it was your cat I have seen a few times in my garden in Lee Close. He had a collar on and has been around on and off for a few weeks. I have spoken to him a few times and he was very friendly. He is not able to get through the cat flap as I have a microchip activated one. The last time I saw his was Saturday evening when he had a bit of an argument with my other cat.

Katrina Hadirampela

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 13:56 (last edited on Tue 16 Mar 2021, 13:57)

We're a little worried about our cat. He is ALL WHITE, very confident and friendly. It's not unlike him to stay out and miss a meal or two, but we have not seen him for a few days now. We are based on the Sturt road, so we hope that he is somewhere close by and now wandered too far. 

We are worried as he removes his collar, which explains that he has a medical condition and asks that he is not fed. He is on a special diet for this condition. 

If you have seen him around, or if he has made an entrance through your cat flap (apologies in advance for this) we would be grateful if you could let us know. :)
Thank you in advance.

You can contact me on 07901506773

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