Covid Jabs

Tim Widdows
👍 1

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 13:42

Many thanks to everyone involved in the covid jabs had mine this morning at Charlbury very quick and extremely efficient, so big a thank you.

Helen Holwill
👍 1

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 16:07 (last edited on Tue 16 Mar 2021, 16:09)

Tip off! As of this morning, the national vaccine booking site is now taking bookings for 50+, even though it offically says 55+ on the page and 55+ access hasn't yet been announced. It directs you to appointments at the Kassam stadium or Lloyd's pharmacy in Carterton (or at least it did for me). Book your slot before the 50–54 rush...

Veronica Stallwood
👍 3

Tue 16 Mar 2021, 16:04

For those wondering about their second jab: I've just been invited to make an appointment for mine next week. I had my first jab in early January so this one will be about 11 weeks later.

And yes, I may be a little older than you . . .

Charlie M
👍 3

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 13:28

I was asked to call the Charlbury Medical Centre Dispensary the other day, and had a fairly brief but lovely conversation.

I took the opportunity to ask her to thank Pippa (my doctor) and all the other doctors and staff there for all that they are doing for us. 

It was well received, and I hope anyone who has to call them will thank them too.

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 12:34

Keep calm!

Nadhim Zahawi and the Tories are looking after us.  What could possibly go wrong?

I put my faith in the wonderful CMC.

I also remember (more than 60 years ago) my teacher telling us to "wait your turn".

Alan Cobb

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 12:20

Lee, I expect you will be contacted in a couple of weeks - the 12 week gap would indicate a 2nd dose for you sometime around 27th March.

Different areas do things differently.  My mother, who lives in Warwickshire, had her first jab early in January and the appointment for the second one was booked at the same time for late March.

Christine Battersby

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 11:07 (last edited on Thu 4 Mar 2021, 11:10)

People who book at one of the mass centres (e.g. Kassam) or via the NHS weblink or phone number have to book two slots at once.

Those who go to their GPs or PCN are not given a 2nd date. I'm not sure if this is due to the fact that GPs are paid only after the 2nd jab is done. Or perhaps it is also because it is easier to keep some flexibility in the case of jabs done locally.

Quite a few patients at Chippy seem to be on a short (c. 3 week) regime, and quite a few of these have already received their 2nd jabs. 

When I received my jab at Carterton (given by the Charlbury practice), I was told it would be 12 weeks -- unless the policy changed in the meantime!

Some people booked their own appointments at the Kassam or elsewhere prior to Priority Group 5, and the differences between the 2 appointment systems was there from the start. I know several people who did this, both locally and also in Gloucestershire.

Robin Taylor
👍 3

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 11:01

I suspect it depends whether you had it done at the Kassam, or at one of Charlbury Medical Centre's clinics. For the Kassam, I made my second appointment at the same time as the first, for 12 weeks after the first. For Charlbury, no second appointment was made for my husband, he is expecting to be contacted again when the 12 weeks is getting close.

Steve Jones

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 11:00

The system of booking your own appointments only appears to have arisen from priority group 5. I assume all those in the higher priority groups will get their second jab the same way they got their first. That is following a call from your GP practice.

Lee Belcher

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 10:52

It is the general procedure Alan, but when I had mine (begnning of January) they were unable to give anyone a date, but told to wait for another communication "as and when".

Alan Cobb

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 10:41

I booked my second jab at the same time as I booked the first.  Thought that was the general procedure.

Lee Belcher

Thu 4 Mar 2021, 09:50

I wonder when the second covid jabs will be available in this area.  I had my fist one several weeks ago, long before my daughter (who lives in Essex) , and yesterday she phoned me with the news that she now has a date for her second!  I am bemused--one can't help wondering what's going on here.

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