charlbury street fair

Igor Goldkind

Fri 3 Oct 2008, 08:35

Since this year's fancy dress theme was The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Sergio Leone can we have Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood as next year's theme?


Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 29 Sep 2008, 23:54

Thank you Sharron on behalf of all of the Street Fair team. If anyone out there would like to help with organising next year's fair, or just help on the day, watch this space!! or contact me at


Sat 27 Sep 2008, 20:47

Well can i just say friends and family and myself had a great time at the fair, day and evening. Thanks to all thoose who made it possible again this year.

roger short

Wed 24 Sep 2008, 04:14

Susie, bless you i am older than you or i would be only to glad to join in even at the risk of upsetting someone .

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 24 Sep 2008, 00:44

Roger, if you are up for anything, then I do hope you will come and help the Street Fair team next year! Watch this space for news of the first meeting! Seriously, we need all the help we can get - and some of us aren't getting any younger!

roger short

Tue 23 Sep 2008, 22:47

Deborah if you know me that well you would know i am up for any challenge,bring it on.

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 23 Sep 2008, 18:23

Roger the thought of you riding the swans next year will be an attraction in itself!! Book him now Theresa!

roger short

Tue 23 Sep 2008, 17:19

Thankyou for the explanation Teresa i had been wondering as well why that ride was not in attendance.The only thing that slightly concerns me with this, is how far this kind of thinking may go before you good people who organise the street fair say to yourselves that you have had enough of trying to please everyone that dislikes things that happen on street fair day in church street.The mere fact that the fair no longer has a place in the yearly calender because it interferes with football where it used to be placed and then the people living opposite the playing close (in the new houses)did not like it opposite them for two nights out of a year helped to stop it coming to charlbury, it just makes me wonder what will be next ,the morris men banished to wychwood forest because their sticks make to much noise when they dance or the excercise classes in the hall have to stop because to many old bones creak.Lets just try and get back to how it used to be in charlbury and find that old community spirit that used to be here.

Teresa Laughton

Mon 22 Sep 2008, 14:07

Len, as one of the Street Fair organisers and the person who books the fair and the stalls I can enlighten you on the demise of the swans. It was decided at last years Street Fair (long before Stage Coach were approached this year) that we would not have the swan ride in the street this year. The main reason for this being that we had received complaints last year and in previous years that the generator used by the swan ride was too noisy and smelly for it's location in the street. I had discussions with the fair orgainser to decide what we could put in place of the swans but for this year nothing suitable was found. The Street Fair committee do consider what entertainment should be in the street for all ages and it is not just a case of who pays the most. However the day is aimed at making money for the 2 community building and the Stagecoah donation was very much appreciated as was their prescence in the street and the fantastic goody bags they were handing out. Your comments are taken on board and hopefully we can find something suitable to fill the gap for next year. Any comments gratefully received.

Chris Child

Mon 22 Sep 2008, 08:58


As a spokesman for Stagecoach and the person that organised our place at the Street Fair, I’m sorry that you fell we took the place of a long-standing attraction.

We were approached by the organising committee and asked to donate prizes/money to the fair. It was considered a good opportunity to show residents in Chalbury what their local bus service looked like and find out what people thought of the service.

It was also good to get involved with the community we serve and the kids loved exploring the bus.

For the couple of hours I spent there on Saturday, I thought the fair was a great success, you couldn’t have asked for better weather, the atmosphere was brilliant and the kids’ fancy dress was fabulous.

Whether Stagecoach comes again next year depends on a lot of things. However I don’t want to adversely affect the enjoyment of those attending and if the general consensus is that people prefer Stagecoach not to attend, then that is the largest factor to consider.


Sun 21 Sep 2008, 00:09

Can anyone enlighten me as to why in place of the swan ride in the main street there was a familiar site of a stagecoach double decker bus .I only ask as my grandaughter who has moved away from charlbury and came to stay with us this year was quite upset that it was not there and when i asked the lady at the fair rides on the playing close i was told that stagecoach had paid for the bus to be there .If this is correct then what is going to happen next year and in future years ,is it going to become whatever or whoever pays the most money gets the pitches or can we please return to the days when the street fair was aimed towards the young people of the town for enjoyment purposes rather than how much money can be made it .

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