Over 64 can now get a vaccine

Graham Wisker
👍 2

Sun 7 Mar 2021, 17:09

A very quick and simple process at the Kassam Stadium, had my first jab this morning.  Many thanks to all concerned at the Stadium complex, the staff who show you in to park, reception, and the medical team concerned not forgetting the St Johns Ambulance who also volunteer to make it a very slick operation. Thank you.

G Clarke
👍 1

Sun 7 Mar 2021, 02:03 (last edited on Sun 7 Mar 2021, 13:59)

Appointments at Kassam stadium now available to anyone aged over 56.

Matthew Greenfield
👍 2

Tue 2 Mar 2021, 21:31

Thanks Tim. According to a sketch in one of yesterday’s papers he was giving evidence to a select committee while “holed up in his Cotswold home” so there seems a good chance he got his jab locally. Or maybe he travelled up to London to get it as I’ve heard some younger groups are being called up there now?

Tim Widdows

Tue 2 Mar 2021, 18:50 (last edited on Tue 2 Mar 2021, 19:01)

A report said that representatives for Mr Cameron - who lives in Holland Park, West London but also has a home in the Cotswolds - said he did not have an undisclosed health condition and that he 'got the call in the normal way and went as soon as he could'. 

Matthew Greenfield
👍 3

Tue 2 Mar 2021, 18:09

Kris - he's an old "friend" rather than an old man ha, ha!

I'm not judging the fact he got his vaccine (plenty else to judge him about) - indeed, good for him - but was just interested if it was local as we are of a similar age and wandering when my turn might be...

Helen Wilkinson
👍 3

Tue 2 Mar 2021, 17:44

You can get a vaccine at a younger age now if you have a medical condition. We should not judge - Who are we to know if people have a condition that qualifies - it is not always obvious

K Harper

Tue 2 Mar 2021, 15:51

Matthew - old @ 54? are you 'avin a larf? Kris 

Matthew Greenfield

Tue 2 Mar 2021, 14:42

I see our old friend Dave of Dean had his vaccine today and he is only 54. Was this done at a local centre?


Hans Eriksson

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 18:56

Up again, to 327,000 vaccinated today. Supply or demand? Nevertheless a success. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274

Liz Puttick

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 14:11

The official line is that it's supply rather than take-up which is dipping, tho' you do wonder...


John Munro

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 10:09

Yes, thanks Helen - booked mine for tomorrow. Can only assume that the overall take-up levels are dipping - which might explain why the UK vaccination numbers for past few days seemed so much lower than previous few days...or alternatively that there are a significant number of over 65s that are simply waiting for opportunity to be jabbed locally.

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 10:05

We are 60 and 61, booked vaccination at Kassam for this Friday. Thanks Helen Wilkinson.

Helen Wilkinson
👍 1

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 06:36

It is possible that you can get a vaccine at a younger age than 64 now

The website booking worked for 2 62 year olds of my acquaintance and was rumoured to work for over 60 but I have no personal knowledge of that.

You need your NHS number and date of birth to complete the online form and will be offered a choice of days, and then a choice of available time slots on your chosen day. If the time offered does not suit, then you can go back and select a different day and repeat the process.

Liz Puttick
👍 2

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 17:33

Kassam is much easier than it sounds, a fast journey, easy parking, v efficient yet friendly service, and I was out in about 10 mins despite 4/5 checks. But I was also called today by CMC and offered the Thursday clinic, so it's probably worth hanging on a day or 2 for anyone who really doesn't want to go to Oxford. 

Steve Jones

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 15:14

I know of one person in the priority five group in Charlbury who tells me he doesn't want to drive all the way to Kassam Stadium for a vaccination so he's waiting for his medical practice to phone him rather than book a visit which I consider to be unwise unless there are problems with travelling. I wonder how many others there are like that?

It is not in anybody's interests (unless they are an undertaker) to delay the vaccination programme.

Helen Wilkinson

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 10:10

The only reason I knew the age limit had dropped was because of checking - I did not see it publicised anywhere - perhaps awareness needs to be raised.  I can't wait to have my turn...

Hans Eriksson

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 09:50

I hear on the grapevine the reason the number of vaccinations are dropping is that there is a lack of demand. 

Geneviève Hug

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 09:10

Thank you very much for this posting!

Helen Wilkinson
👍 2

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 08:10

Over 64 can now book a vaccine


It appears that the age limit will gradually be lowered as they get through the population - worth keeping an eye on

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