Eaga partnership surveys

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 01:16

We have a sticker from TVP to put these people off.

Works most of the time.



Christine Battersby
👍 2

Tue 9 Feb 2021, 22:23 (last edited on Tue 9 Feb 2021, 22:56)

Thanks for the warning. I can see that there are scam warnings about Eaga door to door surveys in other areas. I think you are right to be sceptical about such an approach right now. Very easy to be taken off guard. 

Anne Miller

Tue 9 Feb 2021, 21:24

Just wondering if anyone else has had someone from Eaga partnership call at their door to invite them to participate in energy saving schemes funded by government. I was taken by surprise and perhaps unwisely gave him some details of my domestic arrangements and income without intending to, as he asked some very direct questions. I think I was just non-plussed by having someone calling at my door under the current conditions, asking lots of questions.

Is this something that anyone has  knowledge or experience of? I am keen to reduce my carbon footprint, but found this approach a bit off-putting - bit like having Everest call to give you details of all their double glazing opportunities! 

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