Robin Taylor |
Thu 4 Feb 2021, 15:21 Thankyou, Nikki, that’s good to know. |
Nikki Rycroft |
Thu 4 Feb 2021, 13:48 Hi All We’ve just heard the vaccine is expected and the follow up clinics will be on Tuesday 9 th and 16 th . Please wait for your call if you are in the vulnerable category, and don’t book on line for the Kassam Stadium if possible . See my post on News, which I’ve just put up. |
Joanne Fox |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 19:04 (last edited on Thu 4 Feb 2021, 12:47) NHS invite came in post today. Booked online tomorrow at Kassam! |
Robin Taylor |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 18:03 We always answer withheld ones, because it’s quite often the surgery! Most of our scam calls come on disguised 'spoof' numbers. Here’s hoping husband gets a local appointment soon, then! His big fear was that after the comments in the news thread suggested they’d done most people, that he’d been overlooked. |
Christine Battersby |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 17:48 Bampton now has a new date on their website for the AstraZeneca vaccine, for a time in the week beginning Feb 8th. With a bit of luck that means an extra vaccination date for Charlbury will also be in that week. My own vaccination invitation to the Kassam arrived after I had already been vaccinated by CMC, and presumably before my NHS record had been updated. But I don't know if that's always the case. One thing to watch out for is that I was phoned for my CMC vaccine on my landline, using a withheld number. I get so many scam phone calls I assumed it was yet another one. But how happy I was to be proved wrong. I was given very little notice -- less than 2 days. The Kassam invitation was sent in the post. |
Joanne Fox |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 14:56 Saw this on a Practice website (but does it apply to CMC?). “You may receive an invitation for vaccination at a Mass Vaccination Centre such as the Kassam Stadium in Oxford. Please rest assured that if you choose to be vaccinated locally at the Health Centre, your appointment will be no later and quite possibly sooner than appointments offered in Oxford. You do not need to reply to the Oxford invitation if you choose to be vaccinated locally.” |
Robin Taylor |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 12:42 Thank you, Christine. No letter for the Kassam yet, but we will keep an eye out. If he has to go there, then so be it. Was just hoping he hadn’t been missed off the local list, but it sounds like they are a bit stuck. |
Christine Battersby |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 12:34 Has an invitation to be vaccinated at the Kassam Stadium yet been received? I would understand if you wanted to turn it down, and wait for a further Charlbury Clinic, but these invitations have been going out in what I presume to be age order -- including to at least some of those who have already been vaccinated locally. It looks as if they are now down to at least age 73 (friend in Witney being vaccinated there today). Neither Bampton Medical Centre (seems to be running the local vaccine distribution) nor Charlbury Medical Centre are yet indicating that they have received further vaccines for distribution to Rural West Oxfordshire. |
Robin Taylor |
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 11:23 I was pleased to read that Friday's clinic went well, but are there still some over 70s waiting to be done, and is there a date for the next clinic yet? I have a 72 yr old husband in the house who is like a cat on hot bricks waiting to hear something! |
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