Christine Battersby

Sat 23 Jan 2021, 12:19 (last edited on Sat 23 Jan 2021, 12:19)

"The most recently affected areas by this telephone number originated from Reading , Manchester , London and Swindon. The highest activity (3 phone calls/text messages) was reported in Reading."

See There's also an activity map. Not sure I understand it, but it looks as if the phone calls were from Coventry, even though it is a fixed London phone line.

1 of the look-ups was clearly by you, Deborah, but not one of the Reading ones. I suppose some of the others could be the police. In any case, I hope you have reported it! And blocked the number as well. 

Deborah Longshaw

Fri 22 Jan 2021, 18:13

Thanks Hannen.

I am sure it is something & nothing but these days, you can never be too sure.

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Fri 22 Jan 2021, 14:40


Suggest 101.

Also worth logging here:

Hope that your daughter (and you) feel reassured soon.

Deborah Longshaw

Fri 22 Jan 2021, 14:34

I have just come home to find my extremely vulnerable daughter in an awful state. Apparently she had received a call on her mobile from a number unknown to her ( the number in question is 02075021688). It was a male voice & he harassed her saying there was a warrant out for her arrest & demanded to know her name & employment status (strangely enough).

I have checked the number to try to discover if it has been logged as spam but nothing comes up for it. I am of course now dreadfully concerned that someone has my daughter’s mobile number.

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