Attic directions to Carterton

Hannen Beith

Fri 15 Jan 2021, 18:06

I'm inclined to wait for the Oxford AZ.  

I wonder if, once when has had either, that when you receive another (in 6 months time?) one is then "stuck" with the first one you opted for?

I've nothing against Carterton, but it seems a lot easier just to go to the CMC - and I think it's cheaper for the NHS (the cost of the OAZ vaccine).

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Fri 15 Jan 2021, 14:07 (last edited on Fri 15 Jan 2021, 14:15)

Jon, there are firms that lease cars able to cope with wheelchairs -- e.g. -- also taxi companies (e.g. Kit Mobility Taxis).

Wheelchair users do use the normal buses, but it would be a risk getting there & back ...

I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to wait for the Oxford (AZ) vaccine which can be distributed in Charlbury. There might be a slight delay, but it would surely be safer than an extended journey to Carterton with a driver in the closed environment of a car or minibus -- unless, of course, you were leasing the car for your own use. 

I know some people are concerned about the difference in the success rates of the 2 vaccines; but there is at least data for the Oxford (AZ) vaccine that shows that it increases in efficacy with a longer gap between doses. In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, this is only an inference & there is, as yet, no actual data.

I'm rather hoping that by the time it gets to my turn, it will be the AZ vaccine that is on offer, not the Pfizer one (but either gratefully received!) 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jan 2021, 13:39

Jon – might it be worth trying the Oxfordshire Comet?

(There is of course also the X9 to Witney, and then the buses from there to Carterton, but I’m not sure how practical those would be in a wheelchair.)

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jan 2021, 12:48

Anyone know how I get to Carterton if I can't get into a car? I could take myself to Charlbury Medical Centre in my wheelchair but obviously not to Carterton!

Christine Battersby

Fri 15 Jan 2021, 10:47

Bampton Medical Centre has a diagram for the traffic flow, parking and the various access doors at the Carterton Health Centre. This might be helpful to drivers and also to carers.

I'm not sure if it's included with the CMC instructions. In case it is not, you can find it here:

Meryl Smith
👍 1

Fri 15 Jan 2021, 08:56

Thank you for finding the Bucks information, Hannen.  This is helpful and hopefully answers Janet's question.

ATIC has been aiming to follow best practice COVID-safety advice from the Government and expert community transport organisations throughout the pandemic in terms of the car sharing arrangements and precautions we have in place.   Our arrangements reflect the Government advice given in the Bucks information.

Anyone wanting to ask ATIC for help with transport to a vaccination should ring our call centre on 01993 776277 - open for calls Monday to Friday 9.00 to 1.00 p.m. or leave a message on the answerphone which will be picked up on the next working day.

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Thu 14 Jan 2021, 20:05

I don't think it is illegal to share a car if it is for an "exempt reason".  If it was illegal I suspect that a lot of over 80's wouldn't be able to get to vaccination hubs which would  defeat the object of having them at all!  (The hubs, not the over 80's).

Here are the Bucks guidelines.  I couldn't find any for Oxon...

Janet Walker

Thu 14 Jan 2021, 19:37

Thanks to ATIC and all who produced the map to Carterton.

How are we supposed to get there when it is illegal to share?

Meryl Smith
👍 3

Wed 13 Jan 2021, 21:29

There are also now some printed copies of the map and details of how to ask for ATIC help with transport at Cornerstone at the Corner House.

Jean Adams

Wed 13 Jan 2021, 17:11

I printed off together with the written instructions. Very clear and helpful.

Leah Fowler

Wed 13 Jan 2021, 14:05 (last edited on Wed 13 Jan 2021, 15:34)

It is a much better map , but comes up Read only 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 13 Jan 2021, 14:04

It's still there, just look on the News page.

Jean Adams

Wed 13 Jan 2021, 13:57 (last edited on Wed 13 Jan 2021, 14:04)

ATIC. Map to Carterton. Very helpful

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