Are Garden Centres Open? (Debate)

Liz Puttick
👍 11

Wed 6 Jan 2021, 10:23

Also why are "places of worship" still open, services still happening? Do people believe they have a deal with God who will keep them safe if they worship him? Not how it works, folks...

Carl A Perkins
👍 4

Wed 6 Jan 2021, 10:09

We should have had Spanish style lockdowns from the start. There was a medical expert on LBC Monday night who stressed that the government really needs to start clamping down on non-essential trips by challenging people. None of us want to live in an authoritarian environment but too many people just aren't taking this seriously.

My brother informs me that the Angling Trust have advised all their clubs and fisheries to close up to anglers, even though the government haven't actually told them to do so. As most people know, fishing is a solitary activity but well done for the AT for taking a sensible step. In other government confusion, unlike the first lockdown (bearing in mind that infection figures are now even more out of control) you can now go jogging with someone else, not from your household...!

Also, why are nurseries still open? The scientific experts have already said that they think children can act as transmitters of the virus which is why the government has finally seen fit to close schools. But why should nurseries be treated any differently? (Children of key workers are an exception of course).

Like Gareth says, the government seems to have evidence that the virus is very selective in its' target environment. A bit like before Christmas if you went into a pub, there was a swarm of COVID-19 particles hidden in the corner ready to swoop down on anyone without a meal in front of them. Before that of course, the same swarm used to wait outside pubs until 10pm and then go in for the attack.

Another silly example is the tier lockdown system. When Oxfordshire went into Tier 4, Gloucestershire was Tier 3. It's almost as if the government had proof that Coronavirus could distinguish between county borders!

That's enough of a rant but I think you get the gist...

Stephen Andrews
👍 1

Wed 6 Jan 2021, 10:01

Phil, Surely you are not serious about potentially going there? It will be rammed. Just phone them and ask them for an extension to your voucher date and keep safe.

sandy emsden
👍 3

Wed 6 Jan 2021, 07:31

Along with all the other shops that are still open offering click and collect lock down should be lockdown we can’t see our children or families but you can go to work we’re your mixing with 4+ other holds because of click and collect. What a joke 

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Wed 6 Jan 2021, 07:09 (last edited on Wed 6 Jan 2021, 07:09)

The Government says the virus doesn’t like garden centres, so they’re safe.  As are shirts and bottles of beer bought in them.  Unlike containers from pubs.  Or something.

Philip Ambrose
👍 6

Tue 5 Jan 2021, 22:13

Yes, although it's hard to see why they should be exempted when so little of the merchandise is truly gardening specific. During the last lockdown BBC South Today interviewed the owner of The Oxford Shirt Company Co. in Burford who made exactly that point - he was obliged to close, yet one could go up the road and buy a shirt in BGC.

Gary Walker.

Tue 5 Jan 2021, 15:14

Hi Phil,

Looks like they're open:

Phil Morgan

Tue 5 Jan 2021, 15:12

Can anybody tell me if Garden Centres are still open? I can't see anything about them in the lockdown guidelines. I have a voucher for Burford which expires in a few days,

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