Bigger car parking spaces (Debate)

Graham Wisker
👍 5

Sat 9 Jan 2021, 22:10

Err, I am getting a little confused here, what the hell has Brexit and the Covid Vaccination got to do with size of a car park space marking or am I missing something!?.

On the thread on car park sizing, just buy a Range Rover and park it on the Disabled space outside the Co-op, or just down the road outside the Bull or even outside the Fire Shop right on the corner.

Hans Eriksson
👍 3

Sat 9 Jan 2021, 16:53

So EU is ahead, having now had an order for an additional 300 million Pfizer doses approved. Now we also know the reason for their delay, they demand product liability from the manufacturer, we have bought without. Yes, they seem to have problems rolling out the vaccine, but I believe it's the minus 70 degree cold chain / having to use up 1,000 doses in 5 days in care homes is the problem here - care homes aren't normally that big. So even on this measure Brexit was a bad idea. Sorry. 

Hans Eriksson
👍 5

Mon 4 Jan 2021, 12:04

EU bought 200 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and has now exercised an option for an additional 300 million. That's enough for 33% of the population - not enough.

UK bought 30 million, enough for 23% at 2 doses, or possibly 40 million, it appears unclear which.

So brexit did not appear to give UK an upper hand on the Pfizer vaccine availability, but gave UK the ability for early approval. EU does seem to have great problems rolling out the vaccine - a guess could be that they are worried about 50% anti vaxxers in France, and wants to see what happens here, USA and Israel before they press the button.

Matt Bullock
👍 4

Mon 4 Jan 2021, 10:14

Anyway, car parking spaces are minimum 4.8 x 2.4 m as stipulated in Highways departments' design guides. I generally use 5 x 2.5m these days to accommodate bigger cars, but then you can get fewer spaces. Anyway, they'll all have to be re-laid out and remarked soon when we have to incorporate an electric car charging point for each space.

Tony Morgan
👍 3

Mon 4 Jan 2021, 09:05 (last edited on Mon 4 Jan 2021, 09:46)

My last comment on this thread is that remainers failed to get themselves together to organise a second referendum that might have stopped Brexit

Labour and Lib Dems failed to provide the electorate with leaders or policies that could have prevented the Tories winning the election and possibly led to a softer Brexit

If rejoiners get their act together and hold and win a referendum I would have no problem in supporting the UK rejoining the EU

No abuse, blether or fight picking in that!

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 22:20

It appears you cannot post without immediately correcting yourself.  Time to go to bed, Tony.  And perhaps you might want to be a bit more polite tomorrow?

Tony Morgan
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 22:16 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 22:16)

If anyone chooses to check the brexit thread they will see I'm correct

Your most offensive 'unrestrained' posts have 'disappeared' but as anyone can see from the thread they were recorded before their disappearance and the responses give an insight into their content

You must be pleased that Wales voted leave!

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 21:48

Tony, you are repeating yourself and unfortunately for you, you are repeating a point that isn’t true.  Meanwhile I’m enjoying watching a Welshman lifting the World Darts Championship.  Bye.

Tony Morgan
👍 6

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 21:43

Epps if you check the thread, from which your most abusive messages have been mysterially removed you will find there were a number of very reasonable people who took offence at your aggressive language and left the thread as I did after you joined

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 21:17

It was actually two ‘true believer’ Brexiteers and no others, Tony.

By the way, you’re way behind the times.  ‘Remainers’ are no more.  Plenty of ‘Rejoiners’ now though....

Tony Morgan
👍 6

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 21:13

On the Brexit thread I saw numerous people reacting negatively to Epps tirades

I repeat that I added a positive comment on vaccine purchase and provoked a tirade of abuse from hard  line remainders 

I am happy to let the majority of reasonable posters judge who is the the reasonable one

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 21:07

Without wanting to prolong an utterly tedious diversion, I see five separate people in this thread for calling out Mr Morgan’s nonsense and abuse, before he started his usual tirade at me.

Must be very frustrating for him - not as frustrating, though, as for those Kent residents seeing their countryside concreted over.  Or the fishing industry.  Or the DUP.... (but let’s not go there......)

Tony Morgan
👍 4

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 20:50 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 21:02)

Epps if that is not an abusive off topic post I don't know what is

I see Richard has already removed you're more extreme comment

Suggest you support your vindictive comments with specific instances rather than just mouthing off again

I posted a positive comment about vaccine purchase and the extreme remainders thought that was offensive

Enough said

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 20:32 (last edited on Mon 4 Jan 2021, 08:17)

Steve, I have made all the points there are to make.

Including one on car park spaces, which is more than our resident [edited – Richard] [the rest of the thread conveys my feelings on the individual concerned] has done.

Steve Jones
👍 3

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 20:23

Perhaps give it a rest folks.
Gareth Epps
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 20:17


A tongue-in-cheek post about car parking spaces has turned into yet another off-topic abusive and humourless  Morgan tirade, indulging his various conspiracies.

Equally predictably, he loses his rag when various people call him out.  Not content with despising young people, it seems he hates older folk too.

Meanwhile, has anyone in Charlbury yet been offered a vaccination?  It seems not.

Richard Tebbutt

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 19:53

Give up, Tony. You're not allowed to sing the slightest praise for the government in Charlbury. They can only acknowledge one good thing the Johnson government has done 🙄

Tony Morgan
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 19:11 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 19:33)

But they organised the vaccine purchase!

Amanda Epps
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 18:58

Tony, I was just trying to point out that this government couldn’t organise a woodpecker’s breakfast in Wychwood Forest.  
Nothing to do with leavers or remainers.

Tony Morgan
👍 4

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 18:39 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 19:35)

I wasn’t going to post again but I think Gareth Epps comments about offensive posts considering some of his is the pot calling the kettle black but then remainers seem to get more leeway

Mr Monk I think Carl Perkins response to your offensive post on the Brexit thread summed up your position perfectly

Liz are leavers unwilling to acknowledge any positive news plus furloughing and company loans

My post reflected a positive situation for the country, the fact that it attracted such vitriol says it all!

And also reflects why the reasonable posters from the Brexit thread have witdrawn

Liz Leffman
👍 6

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 17:12 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 17:16)

Tony, what you have managed to pick is the one and only thing that this government has got right in the past nine months. Unless someone can think of another.....

Charlie M
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 15:33

... am I alone in hoping that *this* time he *does* "leave us to it"?!?!?!

Steve Jones
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 15:25

The original question was clearly designed to stir up a bit of mischief, and I suppose it's succeeded.

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 15:17

Leaving aside Tony Morgan’s continued offensive postings, which say nothing about anything other than him, I think we can all agree that:

- a 1972 Mini was rather smaller than its 2020 equivalent;

- it has been a good idea where car parks have been designed with COVID social distancing measures in mind, as I’ve seen once or twice recently;

- the title of this thread is about car park spaces and not vaccinations or bizarre conspiracy theories.

Tony Morgan
👍 5

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 13:37

Richard I'm disappointed & annoyed at your tone, and attributing a position to me that isn't true

Others might be pulled up for that!

I didn't win! I voted remain, but thought the democratic vote of the people should be honoured. In my view democracy won!

I think its the remainers who should get over it!

My post was to point out that the UK had reacted to the vaccine purchase position well

and the EU had got tied up in its own beaurocracy, nothing more

If you think that is blethering and picking a fight then its your prerogative as 'owner' and I'll leave you to it

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 10

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 12:47 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 12:49)

We’re out of the European Union, out of the trade area, we don’t have free movement any more, our kids can’t work in Europe. We have control of our fish. Everything you wanted. You won.

And yet, Tony, you’re still blethering on and picking a fight here. What are you actually trying to achieve now? Moving the UK further into the Atlantic by a few hundred miles? The excision of all words of French origin from the English language? 

You won. Get over it.

Tony Morgan
👍 2

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 12:42 (last edited on Sun 3 Jan 2021, 12:42)

'The BioNTech executive also said he had been surprised by the European Union's reticence towards purchasing enough supplies of the vaccine and warned that the current vaccine availability was not looking rosy'

Maybe it would be possible for remainers to agree that the UK vaccine purchasing policy has worked better than the EU's, but then again probably not!!

Paul Rassam
👍 7

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 11:56

Tony, provisions in EU law already allowed individual member states to approve and purchase medicines before their approval by the European Medicines Agency. Despite the erroneous claim made by Rees-Mogg, amongst others, Brexit had nothing to do with it.  Incompetent and shambolic as this government has been in response to the pandemic, it has really come into its own in the fields of blather, hubris, and an endemically casual approach to the truth.  

Tony Morgan
👍 1

Sun 3 Jan 2021, 11:25

Amanda I understand that the UK's relative success with vaccination is a disappointment to you, and that you need to find a flaw in it, rather than admit your country is doing reasonably well in this area.

I suppose having failed to stop the democratic process, leavers will now look at other ways of running down their country

No wonder Johnson got the Red Wall support!

Amanda Epps
👍 5

Sat 2 Jan 2021, 23:57

I was under the impression that today’s cars are larger than those when the parking space dimensions were established.  I have just checked and the AA say just that, for example the current Mini is 53% larger than the original.  Nothing to do with the EU.  

And Tony, if the UK is so brilliant, why is there no information for eligible residents of Charlbury when or where they will receive the vaccine.  My German friend knows exactly where she will receive it but not yet when.

Tony Morgan
👍 1

Sat 2 Jan 2021, 21:56

Now that we've left the EU

Coved vaccinations administered as at Dec 31 

UK 945000

Germany 132000

France 138

If only the Red Wall had listened to the liberal elite!

K Harper
👍 2

Fri 1 Jan 2021, 19:28

. . . But it’s not April 1st already - surely? Kris

Steve Jones
👍 3

Fri 1 Jan 2021, 19:23 (last edited on Fri 1 Jan 2021, 20:38)

As all such regulations (along with many others) have been automatically incorporated into UK law, I very much doubt it. I also have a very, very slight suspicion that this might not be a genuine question.

Simon Hogg

Fri 1 Jan 2021, 18:48

Now that we've left the EU, does anyone know when the Spendlove car park (and all the others in the UK) are going to be repainted/re-marked? This is to remove the EU stipulated car park markings and revert to UK car park markings.

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