Good riddance Poem

Miles Walkden
👍 1

Fri 1 Jan 2021, 09:25

Thanks. Glad you like it. 

Steve Jones
👍 2

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 21:06

A better poem than 2020 deserves.

On a similar reflective theme, this poetical offering by Dr Rohin Francis is well worth watching (he doubles up as a stand-up comedian and sometime media medical pundit).

Rachael Gibbon
👍 2

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 19:04

Thank you, Miles! Hope 2021 brings you and all Chalburians better times. 

I'll miss the dancing in the Rose and Crown and late night drinks at Barry's tonight.

Phil Morgan
👍 2

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 15:45

Spot on Miles! Come on 2021, you must be able to better your predecessor .....

stephen cavell
👍 4

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 14:48

Excellent Miles

Miles Walkden
👍 24

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 14:45 (last edited on Thu 31 Dec 2020, 14:46)

You're a bit like the friend who’s had too much to drink

He’s messed up your house and been sick in the sink

The comments he’s made, the lies he’s been weaving

Like him, 2020, we’re glad that you’re leaving

You’re just like the Uncle who stays far too long

And tells you exactly how much you are wrong

And how much better things all used to be

Goodbye 2020, please hand in your key

Moriarty was bad, Boba Fett, what a rotter

Voldemort chasing that poor Mr Potter

You might be the horridest we’ve ever seen

2020 you’re worse than Bunce, Boggis, and Bean

You’re welcome here like an STD,

A power failure or a bust TV

A hole in a sock, a run in a stocking

How much we hate you is really quite shocking

So off you trot, and don’t look back

we’ll throw you your jacket and toss you your hat

And we’ll all raise two fingers to wave you away

Now, 2021, what have you got to say?

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