Noise on Hixet Wood

Hannen Beith
👍 3

Thu 10 Dec 2020, 14:43

Most grateful to the several people who have pm'd me to express their support.

It shouldn't be like this (in my opinion).

I simply wanted to know what was going on and how long it might last.

It seems the Forum is not the appropriate place to canvass such matters.


Hannen Beith

Thu 10 Dec 2020, 09:40

Thank you Leah.

Most helpful and empathetic.

Leah Fowler
👍 7

Thu 10 Dec 2020, 09:37

Why don't you read The Forum rules Hannen ? Most of your comments should be on Debate which is for "Debate and Complaining "

Hannen Beith

Thu 10 Dec 2020, 09:23

I just wanted to find out what was going on and how long it might last.

Seems the Forum is not the appropriate place to canvass such matters.


Hannen Beith
👍 1

Thu 10 Dec 2020, 04:48

Well, I'm sure we won't fall out over this but:

"Somebody will always be having a patio laid"

Really?  Must be a lot of patios then!

"This is a working town"

Is it?  Truly?  It was, a long time ago, and I love to read the Charlbury Museum posts about how it was.  Perhaps it will be again, and as an investor  in the Charlbury Deli  (to help the community, not for personal gain) I hope to see Charlbury really become a "working town".

Hannen Beith

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 17:50 (last edited on Wed 9 Dec 2020, 17:52)

Thanks Phil.

It's the unexpected noise which is disconcerting.  Of course one expects some noise - actually, having grown up in London I am very used to noise, usually traffic, and being a contrary soul, I don't like complete silence!

The buses come and go all day and that is quite nice for me, and I don't mind the constant traffic in front of our house.  Actually enjoy it.  Also, the helicopters, and all the other stuff.

But loud constant noise akin to a dentist's drill (although lower in tone) for hours on end is not nice.  Both Rachel (my Wife) and I had to stop working today because it was really unpleasant.  

If we had been given advance warning we could have taken ourselves off - or imposed on your generosity!

Yesterday there was a local builder doing work a few metres away and that was fine.  A bit of banging and hammering.  So yes, I accept these things have to be done, and my twice yearly garden contractor is here every 6 months and spends about an hour trimming the hedges.  Not long, and I always let neighbours know but they are not bothered.  Better that than have their eyes poked out by a branch or thorn.

A year or so ago a neighbour had a party and made the effort to come round personally and tell us to expect some late night noise.  One doesn't mind if one is forewarned.  Simple courtesy and good manners.

Does no-one monitor this noise pollution?

Phil Morgan
👍 10

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 16:33

Hannen, you are obviously upset by noise and in your location you are subject to more than most. But, the town always has work going on somewhere and power tools are noisy.

Somebody will always be having a patio laid (disc-cutters, jack-hammers) or trees being cut back (chain saws, shredding machines). I don't think you can expect them to call at your door in advance and I don't think you can remonstrate with them. 

This is a working town and noisy things go on. A young chap over the back from me earns a living making garden furniture (power saws, drills and planers). Bit annoying but good luck to him.

Hannen Beith

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 13:40 (last edited on Wed 9 Dec 2020, 13:47)

It could be something to do with that Jean!

Sounds like work on trees.  I haven't investigated and have given up remonstrating with Highways, MKJ, et al.

I wonder how they would feel if they were affected (in their homes).  I wonder where I can hire a pneumatic drill, chain saw, wood shredder thing, and how I would get their addresses?! 

Nine months of auditory hell now, and no sign of a let up.

Charlbury used to be a pleasant place to live....

As for WODC Environment Health Department - does anyone know if it still exists?

Jean Adams
👍 1

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 13:09

Hannen. Are they mending the wall.?

Hannen Beith

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 12:56

Just as I was hoping that MKJ might have finished, a fresh abomination from 8 AM this morning has been some power tools being used behind our cottage, presumably on Hixet Wood.

It would be considerate to notify residents that their days were going to be ruined by noise pollution.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? And, more to the point, when it is going to finish?

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