Charlie M |
Sun 23 May 2021, 21:43 (last edited on Sun 23 May 2021, 21:45) I thought you might like to see the text of a message that I despatched today to the aforementioned Macrae: Dear Mr Macrae, I write with reference to the proposal to unilaterally remove the Charlbury Recycling Facility, an action which - together with the closing of Dean Pit some years ago - will further increase the difficulty experienced by people in Charlbury. Mr. Macrae, I further remind you that you promised to undertake a public consultation on the proposal by the Tories on WODC. I would like to know why this has not taken place. Are we in Charlbury to assume that WODC in general - and you in particular - consider the email sent by WODC to Charlbury Town Council this week to be sufficient as "consultation". As a resident of Charlbury for 25 years, I can tell you that it is NOT. I trust that you will agree with me that WODC's behaviour towards Charlbury over the last 10 years in this respect has been VERY negative. In addition, if you ask anyone round here why Dean Pit was closed, you will be told that it was at the behest of who I will refer to as a "local personage" (whose surname rhymes with the season of the year that is now approaching): yet more nepotism from the Tories, I fear, and another sad example of them exploiting their majority on WODC in pandering to the wishes of a very small minority at the expense of the majority. I shall copy this to the local MP, although I suspect that he will be as ineffectual on this matter as he has been on most other matters of importance to long-suffering Charlburians. Regards... |
glena chadwick |
Sun 23 May 2021, 10:30 Completely agree Gareth. But we did fight hard Charlie---got our wellies on and stood in the pouring rain at Dean Pit holding placards to be photographed for the Ox. Times. But even challenging them with 'that' letter didn't shake them. We were the Lib. Dem. opposition at WODC and 'they' were the Tory majority at OCC. |
Gareth Epps |
Sun 23 May 2021, 09:19 WODC’s Environment Committee last year caused Cllr Macrae to agree to consult not only the local councils affected by the removal, but also the public. There is no sign of the public consultation. You’ll have read the recent communication from WODC to the Town Council - it is barely worthy of the word ‘consultation’. Another robust reply is going back to Cllr Macrae and I would urge residents to write to him at and make their views clear, asking why the consultation he promised to undertake has not taken place. |
Wendy Bailey |
Sat 22 May 2021, 16:30 Well said Charlie. |
Charlie M |
Sat 22 May 2021, 15:30 So it needs to be resurrected then. Maybe a few of the council "suits" need to get their wellies on (or "Gummers", as my dad would have called them - relevant, in a way!), and get down there and get it sorted. Just because they were so incompetent that they did not know one part of their domain from another (!) does *not* mean it should be allowed to be dropped! |
glena chadwick |
Sat 22 May 2021, 12:00 Ah Dean Pit ! Several of us fought very hard when I was a district councillor to keep Dean Pit but to no avail. I even have a letter from OCC when I had refuted the vast amount they said was needed to bring it up to standard. The experts visiting it said it would not need many thousands but just a few hundreds. The letter I received finally agreed but said they must have got confused with Redbridge !!! And did that change anything ? No---ah well I suppose it's all blood under the bridge. |
Carl A Perkins |
Tue 18 May 2021, 21:43 ...testing what? (Exactly) |
Gareth Epps |
Mon 17 May 2021, 22:37 I know Charlie. (Just testing) |
Liz Leffman |
Mon 17 May 2021, 20:31 (last edited on Mon 17 May 2021, 20:31) Just to say that your WODC councillors have pressed at every opportunity to make sure that the bins remain at the Spendlove - and to ensure that the town is consulted before any decision is taken to remove them. And for EV charging points as well. |
Charlie M |
Mon 17 May 2021, 19:55 Gareth, the provision of EV charging points in *no* way compensates for WODC's unilateral proposal for the removal of Charlbury's ability to dispose of bulky waste. And everyone knows that Dean Pit was closed at the behest of what I shall refer to as a "local personage", allegedly because it ruined his view whilst taking tea on his terrace ... and NOT because it had the blessing of the people of Charlbury. Time that Dean Pit was reopened. Then by all means close the Spendlove recycling site. But until then, it MUST remain open. |
Carl A Perkins |
Mon 17 May 2021, 19:52 Agreed Gareth, I think this will be one of the prevailing issues over the next few months. Only a few weeks ago the county council was advising people not to visit the recycling centres due to massive queues - probably a result of lockdown and people finding extra time to do sorting out of lofts etc. But with advice like this, and the imminent threat of closure of local recycling sites combined with recycling bins only collected on a fortnightly basis, where are we supposed to put these items? The cost for kerb side collection is also excessive and as Stephen says, getting to Dix is a long round trip. I appreciate that for WODC there is an added expense to send a private contractor to collect the odd bed frame or large item but has anyone ever considered a scheme similar to car sharing whereby people could login to a portal on WODC’s website and book collections based on area rather than individual houses? I bet there have been occasions where several items have been collected from Charlbury costing each ‘disposer’ a princely sum. It might seem far fetched but just an idea I’m throwing out there! I know the powers of the town council are limited but extra pressure on WODC would be appreciated by all I’m sure... |
Gareth Epps |
Mon 17 May 2021, 13:13 It's important that this is raised again and that the town can air its views; the Town Council meets on Wednesday and will have to submit a response. As can be seen, the "consultation" barely justifies the term; loaded doesn't really do justice to this box-ticking exercise. Nowhere is it set out how the ensuing rise in flytipping that always follows such closures will be managed; nowhere is the distance of journeys to Dix Pit taken into account. The Town Council has of course set its precept this year, so the source of the revenue WODC is after is, of course, unclear. Short of reopening Dean Tip, perhaps WODC could rectify the omission of Charlbury from their EV charging point programme in return? |
Stephen Andrews |
Mon 17 May 2021, 13:01 I see from the News section that WODC seem to have concluded that if we want the recycling site at the Spendlove then the Town would have to fund it out of its own pockets. I personally would not support this, but what I might be prepared to consider is a monthly community skip to avoid the odd 25 mile round trip to Dix pit for stuff that cannot be properly disposed in the blue or garden bins. |
Philip Ambrose |
Thu 31 Dec 2020, 18:46 (last edited on Thu 31 Dec 2020, 21:38) OCC / WODC have only themselves to blame. They could justifiably close the Charlbury site if Dean Tip / Recycling Facility was still there. |
James Meek |
Thu 31 Dec 2020, 18:11 According to Keep Britain Tidy, fly-tipping is defined as the ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’. If people are depositing waste that cannot be recycled, they need to be educated. If people are placing recyclable materials next to overflowing bins, that's not 'fly tipping', it's an illustration of the popularity of the facility and that, regardless of how often the bins are currently emptied, they need to be emptied more frequently. |
Helen Chapman |
Thu 31 Dec 2020, 17:28 While it’s great that we have the recycling centre and collections, we could all look to reduce the amount we recycle (as well as landfill of course) by ‘reduce’ and ‘re-use’. Buying loose fruit and veg where possible, using a milk delivery with re-usable glass bottles instead of plastic ones, or using Christine’s brilliant SESI refill system for household products are all ways we can do this. |
Simon J Harley |
Thu 31 Dec 2020, 16:37 And less than a day later, a pile of non recycling dumped again. This facility will be removed if the minority keep abusing it! |
Amanda |
Wed 30 Dec 2020, 12:16 We are very lucky that we have this recycling point and lucky that the majority of people use it properly. We are also lucky that Ubico do a great job in clearing the area so regularly. It's so sad though that when people feel that they are doing the right thing like recycling their cardboard waste that they are then criminalised for fly tipping, because the type of rubbish that is also dumped there illegally does not carry identity like the cardboard recycling! What a kind and caring Community we live in. |
Liz Leffman |
Wed 30 Dec 2020, 11:33 (last edited on Wed 30 Dec 2020, 11:38) That would be Ubico who have done an outstanding job of managing our rubbish over the past few months in spite of the pandemic. The main bins at the Spendlove site are cleared five times per fortnight. If you want to report that they are overflowing you can do so by calling 01993 861000 though because of the regular rota they usually only stay full for a day or so. The clothing bin is managed by someone else and their number is on the bin. |
Mary Heckman |
Wed 30 Dec 2020, 10:58 As of 10:30 this morning the recycling site looks amazing! Totally clear. Thank you very much to whoever was responsible for the clear up. |
Richard Fairhurst
(site admin) |
Wed 30 Dec 2020, 09:28 John – recycling is the responsibility of West Oxfordshire District Council, whereas education is the responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council. So that means any council tax saving from closing the recycling site won’t go to education, but it might go towards subsidising free car parks. |
John Werner |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 23:19 Let’s be honest - some of us are born different and do have few issues. That bit of the town says it all. Then we have those who say those bins/containers should be emptied more often (pretty sure there is a schedule for that) so we can keep buying more things as that’s our human right, right? And finally - where our council taxes are going??? Hopefully into education - and explaining our little ones how things really work (fingers crossed). Piece on you🤘 |
Amanda |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 19:26 (last edited on Tue 29 Dec 2020, 19:27) Lovely to hear that Charlbury Town are so keen to recycle at their local recycling point rather than fly tipping the hedge row's and the laybys of the Countryside. I do hope that you finger printed the thousands of empty wine and beer bottles that litter the recycling centre 365 days of the year,that are a danger to humans and wildlife when they are smashed all over the carpark and that are not just there during the festive season when there is so much more to recycle! 😜 |
Jay Jacobs |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 15:40 Gareth - Done :) |
Gareth Epps |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 15:08 Jay - you are probably better reporting it straight to the relevant officers using the form at |
Jay Jacobs |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 13:22 Just a quick comment from me - To the people who have fly tipped at spendlove recycling site you must know your names & addresses are on the boxes/ rubbish that you have dumped on the floor. I spent some time this morning before the waste was collected taking photos of the evidence you have left. 30 Photos have been sent to WODC to report the fly tipping along with the fly - tippers details. Very sad that the details I found are Charlbury residents from - Church Lane - Ticknell Piece - The Slade - Market St - Woodstock Road - Sheep Street - Ditchley Road. I've done my civil duty by reporting these people. It is clear on the sign that no rubbish should be left on the floor. Its a shame that these people think its ok to do this. Did they think they wouldn't get caught and maybe Prosecuted & fined ????. I will send all my photos to for his review. Happy new year |
Amanda |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 12:11 (last edited on Tue 29 Dec 2020, 12:11) It is for a short while a mess, however it is contained to one area in a car park, where no one lives! Remove the recycling areas both here, Chipping Norton and Witney and the rubbish will be strewn all over the Country side. I know what I'd rather look at! |
Helen Wilkinson |
Tue 29 Dec 2020, 10:31 I am not surprised the Council wants to remove the recycling centres. I drove past the one on the Hailey Road in Witney this morning and it was a shocking site, including fly-tipped mattresses. I would hate to have to live near that. |
Carl A Perkins |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 21:33 Is CCTV even relevant in these days of it being illegal not to cover your face!? And the savvy ones will always park any registered vehicles around the corner. Also CCTV notices in Charlbury will be as much use as having double yellow lines around the town. Is there ever a traffic warden? I’ve never seen one |
Jean Adams |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 21:19 Are the Council able to install CCTV? To deter dumpers.. |
Rosemary Bennett |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 21:15 Lee, I’m not sure the main culprit dumpers are necessarily from Charlbury! |
Steven Fairhurst Jones |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 20:51 (last edited on Mon 28 Dec 2020, 20:51) WODC will take your excess household recycling i.e. any eligible recyclables which won't fit in your bin. They haven't always made that very obvious, and their guide online is currently completely silent about it. But it was part of the message included in some of their pre-Christmas e-mails, like this one on 18 Dec: "Most of your Christmas waste can be recycled - we’ll even collect your excess... "Extra recycling: "We will recycle all your extras like biscuit and sweet tins, Christmas crackers and cards. "Please note: we cannot accept foiled wrapping paper or glittered cards as these cannot be recycled. "Just put your extra recycling out in clear open bags. Please keep your glass, glass bottles and jars separate in your recycling box. "If you can't fit cardboard in your recycling bin you can break this down into A3 sized pieces and leave this next to your recycling bin for collection." Far easier than putting it in your car and driving to Spendlove to dump it. |
Carl A Perkins |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 19:07 The Chippy one is always the same Lee, Christmas aside. These sites are probably emptied 3-monthly. Where our council tax goes I’d love to know |
Lee Belcher |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 16:24 I was totally shocked at the state of the recycling area at the Spendlove site today. No wonder that Council wants to do away with the facility. The site has been turned into an insanitary health risk and look like part of a slum. Why are Charlbury townsfolk so unbelievably thoughtless and irresponsible--there were items up there which should never put on a local town facility site in any case. Any protests made will ceretainly now fall on deaf ears. |
Carl A Perkins |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 15:46 Perhaps the district council should consider emptying recycling bins on a weekly basis these days. Almost all packaging now is recyclable and throughout the year I end up having to put recyclable materials into the domestic rubbish bin as the recycling bin is almost full after a week. The domestic bin on the other hand is almost empty as everything goes in one of the other bins. Yet again the recycling bin was near to the brim just before Christmas and with all the excess rubbish it becomes a big issue not just for us but district wide. The fellas that empty our bins must dread this time of the year and they have my respect. |
Jean Adams |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 10:37 (last edited on Mon 28 Dec 2020, 11:11) Would large notices help? IF THE BINS ARE FULL PLEASE TAKE YOUR RUBBISH HOME AGAIN. DUMPERS WILL BE PROSECUTED. CCTV in action. |
Rosemary Bennett |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 09:31 It would be great to keep the facility but there will always be those who abuse the system. I’m all for it, but I think it needs a different location with staffing of some kind and a secure site that could be locked up out of hours. If it’s going to remain as a tip, let’s have a real tip and give a few people real jobs? |
Charlie M |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 07:43 Jeremy, I am assuming that they were in a vehicle of some kind ... seems to me that it would be acceptable to take numbers and report them ... maybe even on here? Richard, any thoughts on that? |
Jeremy Baldock |
Mon 28 Dec 2020, 06:47 Whilst it is convenient to have the recycling facilities at the Spendlove, the area is being treated as a rubbish dump. It appears to be acceptable that if the recycling bins are full, throw your recycling on the ground and walk away with a clear conscience. Someone pulled up along the area yesterday, tossed 2 sacks of domestic waste (not recycling) onto the pile and drove away. The area is currently being treated as a tip. If we are able to keep the "recycling bins", the facility should be used responsibly. If we as a community cannot use the area responsibly then they should be removed as the area yesterday was a discrace. |
Tony Morgan |
Fri 11 Dec 2020, 09:37 Congratulations Liz for your continuing support for Charlbury |
Liz Leffman |
Thu 10 Dec 2020, 19:30 (last edited on Fri 11 Dec 2020, 18:28) A significant win today at the Environment committee. The Cabinet member agreed to consult with the Town Council and with individual residents before deciding whether to remove the recycling bins, and also agreed that if the town decides that they want to keep the bins, we will be allowed to do so. So if you have asked to speak at the Cabinet or Council meeting it will no longer be on those agendas, but please do respond when the consultation comes out! |
Charlie M |
Sat 5 Dec 2020, 12:31 Done. |
James Meek |
Fri 4 Dec 2020, 19:37 Done |
Liz Leffman |
Thu 3 Dec 2020, 15:19 Following a request from councillors in Charlbury and Chipping Norton, this is coming back to the Environment Committee at WODC next Thursday afternoon for further consideration. It may then go to Full Council in January if the committee decides that it should. Members of the public can speak at the committee and also at full council. |
Phil Morgan |
Thu 3 Dec 2020, 15:01 Most people will be aware that the District Council is proposing to remove the recycling facilities on the Spendlove site (behind the COOP). You may be pleased to hear that the Town Council has sent a strong protest to WODC about this reduction in service which was not consulted about. The protest is supported by our own District and County Councillors. If townspeople wish to add their voice to this protest, they can mail the WODC Cabinet Member for Environment at As they say: 'every little helps'. |
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