MKJ and our streets-an update.

Leah Fowler
👍 5

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 18:34

🤗🤗🤗here you are Liz

Liz Leffman
👍 5

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 17:18

If I knew how to do a smiley face on this forum, I would, Hannen! Thank you.

Hannen Beith
👍 9

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 17:15

Liz, I think you deserve one of the Charlbury awards.

Thanks for looking out for us.

Liz Leffman
👍 3

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 16:47

Will pass this on, Patricia.

patricia winstanley
👍 10

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 16:12

I am indebted to an MKJ engineer for stopping to help when I fell on Thames Street last week resulting in three breaks of an arm ,he sent for an ambulance, produced something warm to put over my shoulders and telephoned to cancel appt. I Didn't get to thank him.......i hope you are reading this you very kind man.

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 08:36

To be fair, the officer has been out and looked at various issues with me. I would not say he is siding with MKJ, but there are some things that can only be sorted towards the end of the process, and the test will be whether these issues are sorted out before MKJ depart for good.

Amanda Epps
👍 2

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 21:57

Liz, I wasn’t referring to you but other instances reported on the Forum of OCC seemingly ignoring the concerns of residents and as a result appearing to side with MKJ.

Liz Leffman
👍 7

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 09:58 (last edited on Mon 30 Nov 2020, 10:17)

Gareth, I do not agree that there are no issues which is why I replied to Alan as I did and which is why I am spending a disproportionate amount of time in contact with both Gigaclear and MKJ.

Amanda I do not regard it as acceptable that they cut the BT lines as they are working or that they disrupt people's access to their own homes and have taken them up on this several times on behalf of residents.

Christine I do not know what the exact plans are for every part of the town but I was specifically asked about the centre of the town by someone, so I asked Gigaclear about that and that is the response that I got. 

Amanda Epps
👍 3

Sun 29 Nov 2020, 22:17

I presume from this that OCC think it’s acceptable for MKJ to prevent residents from accessing the highway by digging trenches in front of their driveway with no warning and cutting residents phone and internet connections.  

Christine Battersby
👍 4

Sun 29 Nov 2020, 19:55

Liz, Does your response mean that it is only in the centre of the town that the pavement surfaces will be restored by MKJ? 

I will be really disappointed if that is the case. It's not only the very centre (whatever that might mean) that is looking hideous. I would have thought that the restoration should cover the whole conservation area.

Gareth Epps
👍 4

Sun 29 Nov 2020, 14:33

Liz, is it your position that you have found no issues with MKJ’s works?

Liz Leffman
👍 5

Sun 29 Nov 2020, 13:11 (last edited on Sun 29 Nov 2020, 13:19)

Alan, please can you let me know what your complaint to OCC was about?  I have met Gigaclear with MKJ twice, once to discuss future work on Park St and the second time on Hundley Way.  Was it connected with either of these? If not then I would like to know what I apparently agreed to!

I have seen your previous post and understand that you are concerned about the appearance of the roads and pavements. However, some of work, specifically that in the town centre on the pavements, where tarmac has replaced the previous golden grit surface, is temporary, and before they leave the town, the pavements will be completely resurfaced. 

This is what I have been told: We have used the Black Asphalt as a temporary measure until we are able to lay the Golden Grit unfortunately we are not able to do this in the current weather conditions due to it being resin based so we will need to wait till early next year for the weather to improve and we plan to get this done around March time.

Alan Colgan
👍 2

Sun 29 Nov 2020, 13:01

For those of you with an interest, I thought I would give you an update on the outcome of my recent communications with Oxfordshire County Council regarding some specific aspects of the work being carried out by MKJ in Charlbury.

My initial complaint in October was passed straight over to MKJ.  The company dealt with the main thrust of my complaint with the following sentence:-

"Our project manager, Highways Inspector, Gigaclear and Councillor Liz Leffman all met in Charlbury today to discuss the recent works in Charlbury carried out by MKJ on behalf of Gigaclear recently and were all in agreement that the final finished product is of a good quality standard."

Further communications to OCC finally prompted a response from the council network supervisor, who wrote:-

"Following a meeting with MKJ and Councillor Liz Leffman, we found no issues with the works".

I'll spare you the detail, but I also questioned both parties on further specific points relating to the quality of the completed work.  MKJ's response was pointless and irrelevant, which I believe they would have known at the time.  It would appear that OCC's network supervisor found the questions too difficult, as he chose not to answer any of them.  I have to say, based on my dealings with these people, I wouldn't trust them to feed my cats.

The work MKJ is doing is guaranteed for two years.  After that, you and I will be paying for all repairs.

I am not posting this to prompt any debate.  The decision makers have made their views clear, so I am adding this to the forum merely to share information.  Of course, if you also made an official complaint to OCC, as I suggested six weeks ago, perhaps you have information or views to share with residents.   

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