Actual Gigaclear rather than nearly

Victoria Chan
👍 2

Mon 11 Jan 2021, 13:37

Just a note for anyone interested in getting Gigaclear, you can get a discount from them if you contact them. I registered my interest, and they phoned me to ask if I had any questions. So I asked for a discount and got a rather good one (about 30% off).

They get some kind of grant from the govt (gigabit broadband voucher scheme) if you sign up for it, so they are desperate for you to sign up.

Victoria Chan

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 11:20 (last edited on Thu 31 Dec 2020, 13:06)

I've just checked on their site, we live in The Green, and it says we're ready to connect!

I'm excited as I've been waiting for the improved upload speed to upload the data from my physical backup drives to the cloud so I can get rid of them. 

The fastest BT type broadband upload speed is 18Mbps, which will take 5 days 15hrs to upload 1 terabyte of data (a typical backup drive size). With 300Mbps Gigaclear, that will be reduced to 8hrs, so it can be done overnight.

For interested parties, note that as Colin mentioned, you will need to subscribe to a separate VoIP provider for your phone to work as Gigaclear is only internet. So the total cost can be quite a lot more than other providers.

Hannen Beith

Tue 29 Dec 2020, 00:06

Thanks Sherif.

"Ignorance, pure ignorance"

(Mine, not yours!)

I still can't see, or have, any reason to change at present, but that day may come!

Sherif Akil
👍 1

Mon 28 Dec 2020, 21:33

Sorry, just for clarification megabits are not megabytes

@ 900 Mbps = 112.5 MB/s (for upload and download)

For those on copper, the max is about 75 Mbps = 9.375 MB/s download

Or 35 Mbps = 4.375 MB/s download

Upload is a maximum of 19 Mbps = 2.375 MB/s on copper

On copper you get "up to" those speeds but with inference and distance it suffers. No such issue with fibre optic

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sat 26 Dec 2020, 10:06

I'm getting over 75 mb/s with BT so will not be changing.

75 is ample with 2 PCs, 2 iPhones, and a telly all working perfectly with no buffering.

I admit that sometimes I have to pump up the telly with the foot pedals but hey - it's good exercise!

Sherif Akil
👍 3

Sat 26 Dec 2020, 07:33

Around 100Mb/s with a high spec PC connected via cable. I'm on the 900Mb service so it's inline with expectation. Limiting factors start to crop up with WiFi, slow web servers, computer bottlenecking. For this reason, the 300 will be excellent for most. 900 is excessive for most users

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 18 Dec 2020, 14:30

Sherif, what upload and download speeds are you getting? It's upload my Sig Other is interested in cos our phone line up speed is grisly for work purposes.

Sherif Akil

Thu 10 Dec 2020, 00:19

Near Fiveways

Ian Lewis

Tue 8 Dec 2020, 10:19

Sherif, roughly where are you in Charlbury, I tried putting my postcode in to the Gigaclear website but it reported still unavailable but working to provide a service (or similar)

Sherif Akil

Mon 7 Dec 2020, 23:19

Now installed... running well. Router is limited to 2 ports so get a switch if you use cabled connections (its faster wired)

Sherif Akil
👍 1

Thu 3 Dec 2020, 20:28

My install is booked for Monday afternoon. Am I the first?

Colin Critch
(site admin)
👍 1

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 14:43 (last edited on Mon 30 Nov 2020, 14:44)

I guess parts of the network will be working in March but they will still be laying cable until May so can offer contracts to houses that have a working distribution box near.

I saw a guy configuring network equipment on the Slade on Friday. I think they plan to paint the black tarmac to blend it in to the Golden blend that they have ruined in town, I'm not sure if this an interim measure!

Remember this is not a replacement for a land-line number/phone and that will have to be added separately (VoIP provider) if you want to get rid of the phone line ( which you could keep and cancel the broadband).

I heard that Crawborough will be in February.

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 14:02

Well, it's all very confusing.  To me at any rate.

I have been advised by our esteemed County Councillor that MKJ won't be gone until May.  So I don't understand how Gigaclear can indicate that they can provide a service as early as March.

Victoria Chan

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 13:46

I wrote to them in July to ask, and they said "the current plan is to have all build complete and connections live by March next year."  And that it is difficult to give an exact timeframe because there are too many variables involved. So this is just an estimate.

I was also in a similar situation with my contract ending, and so have signed up for the NowTV no-contract broadband. At the time it was the best deal I could get. 

Katie Ewer
👍 1

Sun 29 Nov 2020, 11:03

Hi. Have a look at the "Is gigaclear worth it?" thread, where I posted my experience of trying to get connected. Basically if it goes well, it can be straightforward, but if not be prepared for a long wait. In Fawler it was about 6 weeks between the work finishing and being able to sign up and then about 4 weeks to get the installation started.

Kate Smith

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 17:12

Does anyone know the timeframe for being able to apply for Gigaclear now that it's here? It is running right past my house, with a roadside box, but I can't apply to sign up for it yet, and as I came to the end of my BT contract several months ago I am keen to get connected (BT standard rates are not good!). How long has it taken for other people's supplies to be installed? I assume they need to come back and drill through the wall to get into the house somewhere, which probably won't be fast..

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