Radio Luxembourg etc.

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Tue 1 Dec 2020, 23:00

You missed out on growing up in North America. Made my first crystal set at 7 and had a choice of hundreds of AM stations with a sewing needle on the coil stuck in place with a blob of plasticine which proved ideally flexible/stiff in the right combination for fine tuning. The aerial wound around my room about 4 times to get enough power.

stephen cavell
👍 2

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 15:08

Wonder if MKJ started their careers with crystal sets?

john h
👍 2

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 11:21

Very subsetable to atmosphere changes as I recall,.  With the advent of the transistor you could make a more sensitive receiver, still needed about 200 yards of antenna. Them was the days!!. John Harrison 

Philip Ambrose
👍 1

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 22:17

Radio Luxembourg 208 Medium Wave as I recall?

Simon Walker

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 20:22

Presumably that was why the mailing address changed from 'Department 1' to 'Department 4' from time to time.

Geoff Holmberg

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 18:32

I believe it was Horace Bachelor with his "Infra draw Method" for winning on the football pools.

We moved to Bath in the early seventies and went through keynsham (halfway between bath and Bristol) many times. Quite a nice place.

I believe his Method was to sell predicted draw football teams - but he gave everyone a different set of teams thus guaranteeing he would get some winners and claim his percentage

Simon Walker
👍 2

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 13:56

Now that Richard has given this thread its own home, here's today's Radio Luxembourg trivia question.  Who was the geezer whose address was "Keynsham, that's k-e-y-N-s-h-a-M, Keynsham, Bristol"? And what was his get-rich-quick scheme that presumably nowadays the Office of Fair Trading would cast a jaundiced eye upon?  No prizes, just memories ....

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 09:23

Crikey - you're right.  I did have a "cat's whisker" radio, and I used to listen to Radio Luxembourg (and Radio Caroline).  Creepy!

stephen cavell
👍 5

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 07:07

The headset is just like the earphones you would have used on your crystal set Hannen. Listening to the top twenty on Radio Luxembourg all those years ago - or was it yesterday.

John Dora
👍 1

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 20:28

Hannen, have the valves warmed up yet?

Hannen Beith

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 18:39

A more constructive reply from Christine, as usual.

Oh well, I shall go and listen to the wireless.

Jean Adams
👍 1

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 12:54

Keep up Hannen, you are not that old! I think virtual reality to travel the world is very exciting. I have conquered Zoom and as I loved travelling this sounds the next step.I miss travelling but have lots of memories and pictures to keep me going until the world opens up again. I love black and white films, do you remember the South Bank Cinema, well I worked at one time for the British Film Institute that ran that cinema. Now, what is next?

Hannen Beith

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 12:11

Crikey Wendy.  I have no idea what you are on about.  In my day it was called a television, and everything was in black and white.

Lockdown is doing strange things to peoples' minds...

Stay alert.  Best, Hannen.

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