Charlbury Software Freedom Day

Colin Critch
(site admin)

Wed 9 Nov 2005, 20:20

Thanks for that Richard. I had played around with libswf in php and managed to get a triangle after a couple of hours! But I will have a play with ming when I get the chance.

I recently started a new job doing Citrix stuff, so anything I develop now will be in my own time and will be free Open Source. My last stuff was C# on (Kubuntu Breezy) with postgresql8 and php4.4.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 9 Nov 2005, 16:18

Colin - you don't actually need Flash to produce Flash files, if you see what I mean. Have a look at it's a marvel.

Richard (veering dangerously close to off-topic here!)

Igor Goldkind

Wed 9 Nov 2005, 14:44

We have Flash designers at Wychnet.
If you'd like to send a detailed brief to me at, I'd be happy to give you a quote.

Colin Critch
(site admin)

Mon 26 Sep 2005, 09:31


Funny enough I started playing about with flash (with php) on Friday but alas I'm not an artist or a particularly good graphic designer, couple that with the £700 pound worth of software you need to do flash then I'm not right person for this. I believe Jon Carpenter has a new Business directory which may contain the people with the skills that you need.

Liz Reason

Fri 23 Sep 2005, 15:21

Any Flash artists out there?! I'm looking for someone who is a Flash software specialist to produce animations for various projects related to energy and climate change. It would be good to work with someone local if there's anyone out there.

Colin Critch
(site admin)

Sat 17 Sep 2005, 10:04

I went to Oxford last Saturday could not find any one doing it. I could run ten CDs off and do a poster or two. Though I could be busy doing the Waste Action Group and Morris too. Any help would be welcome.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 16 Sep 2005, 23:02

Colin, this completely slipped my mind! Is there enough material to do a mini version part of the day - setup a stall - bodies to serve sufficient CDs?

I'm not sure how much time I'd have to do some burning now, but could do some. What worked best in Oxford?

(PS I'l wear my Tux sweatshirt if it isn't too cold).

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