The curse of MKJ (Debate)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 7

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 10:10

Ok, folks, that’s enough.

Gareth Epps

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 09:04

Veronica, I don’t know why you make personal snipes here.  It doesn’t help you come across well.

As I say, you know nothing about me or my experience with MKJ.

veronica robinson
👍 2

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 09:01

Gareth, I rest my case.

Gareth Epps

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:54

Veronica, you don’t know me, and you know nothing about what has happened.  Perhaps you’d be better placed commenting on something you know about?

Janet Burroughs
👍 1

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:53

I do recognise that people can have differing experiences. Unfortunately, we are (as marketing experts recognise) more prone to complain, than to congratulate. 

So sometime it is just good to reflect on and recognise the positive experiences that we have. 

veronica robinson
👍 2

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:52

I think we all know which approach Gareth took going by his posts on here

Gareth Epps

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:47

And, Janet, I am speaking from my experience that is the opposite to yours.

Janet Burroughs
👍 3

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:46

I have to agree with those who have posted that if you approach issues in the right way, you can generally  get solutions. It doesn't always work, but in my experience it generally does. 

We have actually had 2 experiences of Gigaclear. Our connection was installed nearly 2y ears ago by previous contractors. And they were around for 2 weeks (from memory). And we did experience some disruption. A key issue was  when a delivery lorry could not reach us to deliver a pallet. I have to admit, I was not happy when I went to sort.  But I soon realised (within minutes) that there were 2 approaches I could take. I avoided confrontation and went for the alternative - friendly, constructive discussion. The obstruction was speedily moved, the lorry able to deliver the pallet and then cups of tea all round for contractors. 

And then MKG appeared earlier this year. And were again based in front of us for several weeks. We had no problem with the contractors or their managers. In fact the team working from a base outside our house was great and showed good humour despite the challenges of working down a very narrow bit of road where there is regular traffic, and in a range of weather conditions (from very hot, to very wet). And the team leader in particular was great - but then he was a Saints  (Southampton FC) supporter, like my husband.    

Wendy Bailey
👍 1

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:46

I had face to face (socially distanced with face masks naturally) meeting and email contact. I am speaking as I find. I have no need to post again. Thank you.

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:32

Wendy, the one Gigaclear employee I spoke to was quite pleasant (in these times there may be a reason for correspondence not being answered of course).

There are, by contrast, witnesses to the foul behaviour of the MKJ representative which was unprovoked.  Our County Councillor was one.  It was almost as if his name was Perkins (though it isn’t).

Wendy Bailey
👍 3

Sat 19 Dec 2020, 08:27

I speak as I find, my very recent contact with a Gigaclear employee both "on the job" and from the office has proved to be very efficient, respectful (on both sides) curtesy on both sides, perhaps that's the way forward. I had a query at work and at home, all my questions were answered and compromises achieved. Actually exceeded my expectations. 

As others had had issues thought I would share my experience. 

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Fri 18 Dec 2020, 22:55 (last edited on Sat 19 Dec 2020, 07:20)

Mr Perkins - what is your company please?  (Given your views on customer service, I would like to know)

I have never been employed by HS2 Ltd.  For the sake of what would be costly legal action for you, would you like to name these infrastructure projects and how my role and its “failures” might have cost the taxpayer billions?

Because you are now running a campaign of appalling defamatory slurs with no substantiating evidence whatsoever - and implicating the owners of this site in the process.  That is an appalling thing to do to an individual and a community website.

Withdraw your slurs and apologise.

Carl A Perkins
👍 2

Fri 18 Dec 2020, 22:25


After your association with significant infrastructure projects that have cost the taxpayer billions (and massive failures) ... don’t get on your high horse please. And I was associated myself with one of the projects that you were involved with and am almost ashamed to have been so. I was paid a daily rate just to be there. I take it you are Pro HS2?

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Fri 18 Dec 2020, 17:23 (last edited on Fri 18 Dec 2020, 18:06)

It’s funny how the same people who accept and defend shoddy work in this thread ((one of whom works in construction - he should tell us which company, just so we know what sort of ‘customer service’ to expect) are the same who are repeatedly unpleasant elsewhere.

Meanwhile correspondence with both Gigaclear and MKJ goes unanswered, but the County is being helpful, thankfully.

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Fri 18 Dec 2020, 17:07

A temporary Christmas lull.  Back in January

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Fri 18 Dec 2020, 16:19

Have they finished?  An eerie silence has descended and the garish blue toilet has been removed.

"Hope springs eternal..."

Richard Tebbutt
👍 4

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 20:14

How on earth have they broken the law? If they have, why hasn't any called the police? How can we let them get away with this?!

Hamish Nichol
👍 4

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 18:14

Suggest you take it up with Gigaclear rather than the guys on the job. I contacted them regarding some poor workmanship and they gave me a date they'd have it fixed and they fulfilled on their promises and did a great job.

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 14:35 (last edited on Sat 28 Nov 2020, 14:53)

Perhaps you should read the thread, where you would have found an answer to your question.

Carl A Perkins
👍 5

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 12:14

What exactly is the company doing illegally? Parking in someones spot? throwing molotov cocktails at peoples houses? dognapping? inciting a riot?

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 11:55

Veronica - no.  I have witnesses.

The quality of the company is seen from the absence of PPE and weather-appropriate clothing for their workers (who have generally been more polite and helpful than their manager).

veronica robinson
👍 6

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 11:23

Gareth, could it be the approach taken by residents to the project manager that elicits such a response

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sat 28 Nov 2020, 08:18 (last edited on Sat 28 Nov 2020, 10:11)

If works are stopped because the company is acting illegally, the works won’t be delivered on time or on budget.

I’ve also seen the vans with their engines on unnecessarily - unpleasant and potentially dangerous for people whose houses front onto the street.

Oddly enough, when the project manager was reminded of the law, his response was to shout and get threatening, a bit like a certain tangerine resident of Washington.  The more he ignores the law, the more likely it is that his work will get disrupted.  Other Charlbury residents should be aware of his rudeness when dealing with him.  Thankfully the construction industry isn’t typified by people like him who lie and act aggressively towards people they affect.

Carl A Perkins
👍 7

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 23:46

You took the words right out of my mouth Richard.

Gareth, (I don’t know who you are or what you do) but imagine if you were trying to get on with something and busy bodies were continually coming to you asking all sorts of questions and airing grievances?

The Project Manager has an ultimate responsibility of making sure he delivers the works on time, not legalities etc. Like Richard said that’s between the top man and the council. If people keep disrupting their work, they’ll be there longer than they need to.

Being from a construction background myself, I think that the speed that these guys are working is impressive considering all the challenges that Charlbury poses...

Richard Tebbutt
👍 3

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 20:25

The project manager doesn't. The company does. The project manager probably just wants to get a job done and get away from the all and sundry. 

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 15:28

The project manager also has legal obligations to meet and would be better served abiding to them than lying and being abusive to residents.

Carl A Perkins
👍 6

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 14:18

The project manager has a job to deliver and probably gets fed up with all and sundry asking him when the noise is going to stop or when the van is going to be moved

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 10:15

If they met their legal obligations and made good the damage they did, then all well and good.  Their project manager does not like being reminded of his legal obligations.

Carl A Perkins
👍 14

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 23:28

As has been said before, why not just let them get on with their job and they’ll be gone. If it happened to be contractors working for your benefit I’m sure you’d be the last person to worry about other people’s inconvenience. Charlbury does get tedious at times... bring back the days when it was a proper working town!

Hannen Beith
👍 3

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 12:17

Having listened to the operatives swearing and laughing and, well, just hanging around, for most of the morning I think I shall "emigrate" to the Shetlands.  Thank you.

I wish I could find a job where I would be paid for doing nothing.  (Even though this is the "Debate" section, I put that mildly).

No more on this from me.  I've said my piece.  (General sigh of relief!)

Simon Hogg
👍 4

Wed 25 Nov 2020, 21:24

I hear Shetland is a quiet place.

Hannen Beith

Wed 25 Nov 2020, 16:13

Thanks Gareth

Made me chuckle. 

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Wed 25 Nov 2020, 10:25

Could be worse, you could have met their project manager....

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Tue 24 Nov 2020, 16:10

Can someone tell me when they are going to leave us in peace?

This has been going on for literally months, and it has coincided with a stressful time.

Every day I have vans and cars parking outside my house with the engine running, filling up my living room with diesel fumes.  The operatives spend a lot of time on their 'phones which are usually on loudspeaker, and I really don't want to hear them.  My front room is my workstation and it is very annoying and incredibly inconsiderate.  

I've given up going out to ask them to move on.  

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