What's happening with nature this year?

Rachel Ramsay

Tue 17 Nov 2020, 20:47

Interestingly 2020 is a “mast year”, in which trees and shrubs have a bumper crop of nuts and fruit. I have noticed various shrubs absolutely bursting with berries this year, and this could be why. Apologies for linking to the Daily Fail 😖 but here’s a bit about it. 

Brigid Avison

Tue 17 Nov 2020, 19:12

I've also noticed how `out of sync' with the time of year some of our garden plants are -- yes, as Janet says, something is indeed going on, and gardeners can do a lot to help our communities respond positively to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.

For some ideas of what to do, there's a free one-hour talk this Thursday at 7--8pm by gardening journalist Kim Stoddart called `How to be a climate-change-savvy gardener' -- here's the link (you need to book as numbers are limited):


Heather Williams

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 11:17

I have two large urns full of petunias and lobelia and still going strong.  I have pansies to replace them but loath to do that as they are looking so well.

Katie Ewer

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 11:07

I still have buds appearing on my roses. It's cheering, but feels weird in mid-November!

Liz Puttick

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 09:00

Ceanothus roaring away on its second go, various perennials and annuals still flowering their socks off untroubled by frost - lovely tho' can't get to some of my autumn moves! Holly opposite to Janet's, brilliant display in October now almost over. Nature ever adaptable, but bigger challenges to come...

Brigid Sturdy

Sun 15 Nov 2020, 17:05

My phlomis, normally a May/June flowerer, seems about to perform again. Magnolia behaving like Janet's, after a second, sparse flowering a few weeks ago.

Jean Adams

Sun 15 Nov 2020, 15:07

 Confused as I am. What day is it? Called Lockdown.

K Harper

Sun 15 Nov 2020, 15:03 (last edited on Mon 16 Nov 2020, 19:11)

Agree! I have just noticed my Forsythia in flower! 

Janet Burroughs

Sun 15 Nov 2020, 08:19

My magnolia tree and yucca and holly bushes seem a bit confused, like me? 

My Yucca has recently produced 3 more spikes of flowers, having already produced 3 wonderful spikes in June. And I thought that Jucca's didn't bloom every year. 

And I have noticed that although I have a wonderful array of holly berries just waiting to provide a good meal for the birds, some holly bushes in my garden have come to the table late and are producing blossom now? So an on going supply of berries, but only if they are pollinated which may not happen as bees, and other insects, are bedding down for the winter. 

And then last week I noticed that although my ,magnolia is quickly losing its leaves, it appears to have produced buds and to be planning to bloom again. 

Something seems to be going on. 

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