Charlbury Cycling Group

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 11 Jul 2008, 13:32

Surely not another cycling thread? Well, yes, but here's a slightly different angle.

After discussions with Sustrans and people round the town, I'm working to set up a Charlbury Cycling Group. The idea is to present a single voice to local councils, Sustrans, First Great Western and the like, to make Charlbury a better place for cycling - and to encourage cyclists from further afield to visit Charlbury, and spend money in our shops and pubs.

It's not conceived as a cycle club or a ride organiser - the West Oxfordshire CTC already does that - nor as a single-issue pressure group, but rather to encourage and promote responsible cycling in Charlbury.

If you'd like to be involved, drop me a line (richard at, or phone call (810117 or 07812 686279). And there is, of course, a community page.

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