
stephen cavell
👍 1

Mon 5 Oct 2020, 07:15

Mike - walking the wrong route OR 'should have gone to Specsavers?' (other opticians are available)

James Goad

Sun 4 Oct 2020, 22:38

They ripened very early this year. Many were withered and over ripe 2 weeks ago. There may still be some near the Skate Park as there was still a lot last week.

Mike Summers

Sun 4 Oct 2020, 17:46

Thank you - we have obviously been walking the wrong route.

Andrew Greenfield
👍 5

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 21:34 (last edited on Sat 3 Oct 2020, 11:24)

I don't think many people bother waiting for the first frost any more.

I pick them, though haven't done so yet this year, usually at the end of Sept, once they have softened a bit on the branches, and then freeze them for a few days.

When they thaw the skins split and it avoids the need to prick each sloe as you are supposed to do before steeping in gin and I have found that this works well; I've done it this way for the last few years.  I also wait until I've strained off the liquid from the sloes before adding any sugar as it allows much greater control of the sweetness level which is quite important as far as I'm concerned.

Rhona Walker

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 19:55

You're right Leah.  I was always told to wait for the first frost but I'm sure they taste good in the gin with or without frosting.....

Andrew Chapman
👍 1

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 18:02

We've seen huge numbers of sloes this year and picked a couple of kilos now happily steeping in gin (as we will do ourselves at Christmas...). I promise we didn't pick all of them. Certainly we thought it has been a really good year, as Katie and Rhona say.

Leah Fowler

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 17:56

II thought you weren't supposed to pick them until after the first frost

K Harper
👍 4

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 12:50

Or they have already been picked?! Kris

Rhona Walker
👍 1

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 11:48

Lots around the fields above Woody Lane.  Some trees seem to be very heavily laden this year but maybe many of them have ripened early and have already dropped off the branches because it's been so mild.

Katie Ewer

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 10:49

There seem to be lots around Fawler, I thought we seemed to have more than usual.

Mike Summers

Fri 2 Oct 2020, 10:38

Is it just me or does there seem to be a dearth of sloes this year?  Considering the amount of blossom earlier in the year, I would expect a bumber crop, but on our walks we have seen bushes with only 6 to 12 sloes in the hedgerows.  What's going on? 

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