Flu jab

Angus B

Wed 7 Oct 2020, 09:39

That's useful, Nikki; thank you. Having emailed and telephoned the CMC to tell them that we would be away for the sessions last week and asking if there would be an alternative I've heard nothing from them so it's great to get a date from you!

Robin Taylor

Tue 6 Oct 2020, 19:55

Thank you, that’s really helpful. Yes, we have our letters, I’ll make a note of the date and keep an eye out for further details!

Nikki Rycroft
👍 1

Tue 6 Oct 2020, 19:31

Hi Robin, if , and only if, you received a letter calling you for the 29/30 th September clinic, and you missed it, then you are eligible for the follow up clinic which is on the morning of the 20 th October at the Football centre. Asim will probably only offer vaccination to the vulnerable group of 18-64 years ( which is a different vaccine from the over 65s) as there is currently a shortage of this vaccine. Sorry, I don’t know your age ! 

I shall be posting further details soon regarding this on News when I have clearance from the CMC. 

Hannen Beith

Tue 6 Oct 2020, 12:46


The lovely Asim at the Pharmacy indicated that he might be giving these.  Might be worth a tel call - 01608 810315

Robin Taylor

Mon 5 Oct 2020, 21:00

We were away, and missed the clinics last week. When are the follow ups? Or where can we find out when they are?

Nikki Rycroft
👍 2

Mon 5 Oct 2020, 16:56

940  out of  approx 1200 of over 65s were  vaccinated last week, 78%. 

Thanks again to the amazing staff and volunteers. And the Football Centre. 

The CMC patient group strongly encourages you to attend the follow up clinics if you missed your vaccination,  and have a letter informing you that you are eligible. 

stephen cavell
👍 1

Wed 30 Sep 2020, 17:39

Full marks to Charlbury Medical Centre for smooth organisation.  Wonder what % of the over 65's turned up?

Phil Morgan
👍 1

Wed 30 Sep 2020, 16:06

Yes, loads of space, lovely cheerful team of staff, simple one-way system. Let's hope the town can use these new premises for similar daytime purposes in the future.

Tony H Merry
👍 1

Wed 30 Sep 2020, 12:22

Yes I agree very smooth and efficient congratulations to all concerned

Leah Fowler
👍 2

Wed 30 Sep 2020, 11:13

Excellent organization at new Football club 

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