Wigwell ,conservation or wilderness

Mark Wilson

Fri 18 Jul 2008, 11:04

The Town Council is responsible for the management of Wigwell. There have been talks with the Wychwood Project about them taking it over. I would have thought local control would be preferable in the long term.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 5 Jul 2008, 22:49

On further reflection, I seem to recall that there was something about a change of organisation managing Wigwell to the Wychwood Project someone correct me if I am wrong on that! If so it could reflect a different wildlife philosophy being put into practice like allowing some natural succession forest growth to occur in a broader swathe of the reserve over the next 50-100 years (one has to think that far ahead in these natural development issues, something which we have ceased to do well if at all in our "modern short termist" age). The wooded strip is a bit narrow for a good balance really isn't it but one wouldn't want to intrude onto the ancient meadow humpy bit on the north slope so allowing growth on the south slope might be the plan as to my inexpert eye that doesn't look so archaic... I have no real idea just hazarding a hypothesis... Or could reflect simple delay in getting work in gear as new responsibilities are taken on which will be sorted out in due course and in some order of priority (someone has always got to be toward the end of the list!). But I could be quite incorrect about the Wychwood Project taking over management - can't remember now who mentioned it to me so it could be completely inaccurate hearsay!

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 4 Jul 2008, 00:24

My guess is that it isn't being grazed as much on the south side as last couple of years, and also on north side of stream up near the end by the footpath gate heading toward Banbury Hill farm there hasn't been any grazing, although there are sheep in the field they haven't been down that way. Its definitely more nettly at that extreme narrow eastern end, and perhaps thats putting them off, and its needs a nettle bash so that some grazing grass and succulents can take hold again. Perhaps it was being overgrazed for some of the rare species that make it a sssi, and needed a break for a year to let some seeding occur? Perhaps, also, the south side of the stream had too many dog walkers and this was causing trouble with the livestock as I haven't seen anything on that side for months, and walk Wigwell almost every evening I'm well enough to get out for a walk.


Thu 3 Jul 2008, 11:34

What is happening to wigwell.Over the years i have seen different things happening in this area but this year it has not been tended at all so where are the so called conservationists.At the moment it is at least three feet high and impassable to the many people that used it when it was possible to walk through. Even the walk to the cemetary takes some doing .Does anyone know what the plans are to make it how it used to be.

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