Charlbury - town or village

Derek Collett

Fri 14 Nov 2008, 13:46

Thanks for the explanation Roger! I'm sure Richard will be delighted to learn that "back issues" of this Forum are being used as the basis of a cure for insomnia! Perhaps he should market them as such...


Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:26

Derek ,it could be said i am slow off the mark ,my wife says so anyway.It was just not being able to sleep that i looked through all 48 pages of the website overnight (ought to get a life i know)and found some interesting items of which this i found 1.As far as i was aware the market was always held behind the bell in later years and before that at the very top of nineacres playing field (and before you ask i was not about in those days)but love the history of the place.

Derek Collett

Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:01

Roger - are you going for the record for "Delay in responding to a previous post"? I make that 3 years 2 months and 8 days - not bad going! I don't even remember this thread...


Thu 13 Nov 2008, 05:13

Chris ,you are thinking of the days when the husbands were locked in pens on a friday night (pay days) and the wives had to go and bid to be able to get them back or not as the case may be .Nowadays the wives go as well .

Hollie Nappin

Wed 5 Oct 2005, 14:44

According to the Bell Hotels history, the market was always in this car park.

Jo Fox

Sun 2 Oct 2005, 12:45

I remember someone saying that the day that Charlbury was given 'Town'status was the same day the only Bank and the Chip Shop closed down! or was that Irony???

chris brown

Mon 5 Sep 2005, 12:47

we moved there in 1971 & i can remember it being in the bull carpark then... maybe it moved to the bell later?

graham W

Sun 4 Sep 2005, 11:56

Correct if I am wrong but I think you'll find that the Market was in the carpark of the Bell. When I worked in the early 80's there were signs of the market place it under the gravel.

chris brown

Sat 3 Sep 2005, 22:25

yep, town it is... always was when i lived there...1971-1987.
i can even remember it having a market in the bull's car park (if its still there!!!). i now live in another town... Newport, isle of wight, which is about 6 times the size of charlbury.
wouldn't it be nice to have part of the forum for people who lived/were brought up in the TOWN as i was?????
cheers chris brown ( formally from 18 the slade)


Mon 11 Jul 2005, 15:14

I don't se how my first comment relates to all of this


Mon 4 Jul 2005, 19:35

I vote for a sign with a small fish in a small pond.
Did anyone go to. Live Aid?????????????

Ray Marshall

Mon 27 Jun 2005, 20:07

If you look in the museum you will see a poster for the local cinema which was the TOWN HALL CINEMA held in the old town hall. Charlbury always has been a town and always will be. It only started being refered to a village when commuters started buying up property in the town and it may have seemed nice to refer to "the little village they live in".

graham W

Mon 27 Jun 2005, 17:55

Correct me if I am wrong, but I've heard that Kidlington is the largest village in the UK. However, agreeing with Harriet & R S Loch we ARE a town, will always be so, but going by the new Welcome signs is there rumours that the M40 Spur is coming this way and we're aiming to be a city like MK - Hummmmmm nice!!!!!

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 26 Jun 2005, 13:57

charlbury is a town, because in 1256 it was granted a charter to allow it to hold a market. neither its present size nor whether it holds a market currently or not are relevant and its legal status is therefore that of a town.

R S Loch

Sat 25 Jun 2005, 13:30

A village becomes a town when it holds (or did hold) a regular market. Assuming Market Street gets its name from a market Charlbury is a town.

John Kearsey

Sat 25 Jun 2005, 00:19

I wouldn't say this was squabbling, more of a debate - at least it makes a change from people moaning about the quality of chips in the local eateries!

John Kearsey, spinster of this parish

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 21:06


I've moved this to a separate thread. But...

  • Please stop the squabbling. Please, in particular, stop moaning about the moaning. If I read another "why oh why is this forum so negative" I think I'm going to go mad (or, more probably, just wipe the post).
    The new forum has, in fact, been really good until these last few hours, and no-one wants it to degenerate like the last one.
  • To encourage civility and remind everyone that these are real Charlbury people, not virtual personalities, I do ask people to sign their postings with their real names.
    Looking through the Ts & Cs for the new forum I realise I haven't made this as crystal clear as I should have done, for which I apologise. Mr Moscow: obviously I know who you are (because, like everyone else, you entered your e-mail address when you signed up!), and I do value your contributions. It would really be appreciated if you'd post with your real name. If you could drop me a line ( then I'll change it in the database - cheers.

On a lighter note, if you think Charlbury's got an identity crisis, you should have tried living in Rutland while it was officially part of Leicestershire... even today, eight years after independence, the flippin' BBC still reports from "Rutland Water, Leicestershire". You'd have thought the name might be a clue.

Have a good weekend, all... and I'll hope to see some of you real people enjoying real drinks at the real Beer Festival in a fortnight's time.

site admin

John Kearsey

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 19:31

Well I think its a very nice town. As my father used to say, when he was on the parish council - Charlbury was a town before Birmingham was a city!


Fri 24 Jun 2005, 19:11

Can't see how not signing a post with my name is sad? It doesn't matter whether it's signed bilbo bangins or joe bloggs the post still counts!

It is sad to see so much nit picking in a forum, especially a local forum. The majority of topics are just moans about Charlbury, doesn't anyone have anything positive to say about Charlbury?

kate southey

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 18:34

In that case you will remember that we haven't always had a town council, and that we were happy to have a Parish Council and most of us refered to Charlbury as a village. I think the whole town thing is a sad delusion of grandeur. Anyhoo.... regardless of that, not signing your name to your posts..............very sad!


Fri 24 Jun 2005, 16:45

That's probably the reason why I don't sign my post as people just jump on it and start saying "what do you care?" etc. No wonder people don't post as much as they used to if things like that are said.

I've lived in Charlbury for 19 years I'll have you know!!!

kate southey

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 14:30

Charlbury TOWN Council
Charlbury TOWN FC

Some of us actually remember the good old days......

The above was known as Charlbury PARISH council untill someone changed it and the FC was simply Charlbury Fc until the Town was added.
Of course if you live in Moscow, what do you care? Obviously not enough to sign your posts in your own name!

Igor Goldkind

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 11:56

Charlbury's legal status is that of a town.

Other than that you can call it whatever you want.

I sometimes think that Charlbury is actually an artificially maintained environment floating thousands of miles beyond the pull of the earth.


Thu 23 Jun 2005, 21:33

I agree the status may well be "in the eye of the beholder" but it still has to be officially classed for it to be put on signs and such things.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 23 Jun 2005, 20:55

I think this one's as old as the hills, and the real status is in the eye of the beholder. Official status doesn't mean that much, unless you really do think St David's is usefully classed as a city.


Thu 23 Jun 2005, 18:39

Well if it's a village why do we have the following?

Charlbury TOWN Council
Charlbury TOWN FC
Charlbury - Historical TOWN (Road Signs)
TOWN Info - Link on this website
Charlbury TOWN Centre

Info from other Charlbury related sites;
-Situated within the popular town of Charlbury (Chancellors)
-In the Oxfordshire Cotswold town of Charlbury, only 15 miles from Oxford (

kate southey

Thu 23 Jun 2005, 15:42

Why so, when it's a bleeding village?

Igor Goldkind

Thu 23 Jun 2005, 11:13

I vote in favour of a town sign that just reads "Town" when you come into Charlbury.

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