Bored youth in Charlbury

Rachel Brushfield
👍 1

Wed 26 Aug 2020, 06:32


Liz Leffman and I have met. 

Daniela Jenkins and Marjorie Glasgow have e mailed me. 


What is needed next are insights about young people in Charlbury:

Who needs career support?

What career support do they need?

Who can do an analysis/research with youth who works with/knows the youth of Charlbury? (not me)

What is the best way to create awareness amongst? 

What would be an easy pilot? 

If this information can be gathered, I will block out time to think about what I can do. 

Currently full-on supporting/preparing to support adults being made redundant/coming off furlough, as I am sure you understand. 

Alan F Harrison
👍 1

Tue 25 Aug 2020, 19:23

Anything concrete happening?

Kate Pook
👍 3

Wed 19 Aug 2020, 11:11

Great idea. There’s such a wonderful and diverse range of  people in Charlbury that have had fantastic careers / interests and hobbies in all sorts of fields. Perhaps we could set up a page / website to help young people access relevant mentoring / help and advice from people that could be a very positive influence in the local area. Charlbury residents could simply volunteer to be on there as a point of contact for these young people. 

Liz Leffman
👍 6

Fri 14 Aug 2020, 09:34 (last edited on Fri 14 Aug 2020, 09:39)

That is a really excellent idea, Rachel.  Coincidentally, yesterday at a county scrutiny meeting we learned that they plan to cut a hard-fought-for £200k from the budget which had been earmarked to investigate what youth services are needed across the county.  It is particularly ironic that just as we need to give young people extra support because of the difficulties they have faced during Covid, the county council is taking that support away because they have not been reimbursed fully by the government for the money they have spent on Covid.

I have some experience of coaching and mentoring, and I would be very happy to help with this. Will message you.

Rachel Brushfield
👍 8

Fri 14 Aug 2020, 06:53 (last edited on Fri 14 Aug 2020, 06:54)

We have noticed bored youth recently in the evening in the bus shelter opposite our cottage near Fiveways. 

Lock-down has been a really difficult time for young people. 

I would be really happy, as someone whose job it is (for over 2 decades) to help people create clarity and fulfilment in their careers, to do a free career webinar on Zoom to support them. 

Understanding values, motivations and having a S.M.A.R.T. goal and taking steps towards it is really important. 

Especially with ongoing uncertainty.  

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