Fiveways roadworks

Hannen Beith

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 17:42

As the only person (to my knowledge) who regularly cleans the road sign at Fiveways, empties the defunct bus shelter of litter, and at least once a week takes the nasty stuff out of the litter bin affixed to the bus stop, I confess that I found myself being haunted by "The Animals" hit of "We Gotta Get out of This Place" in the wee small hours several times as I stopped the crockery and ornaments from falling off our shelves.

And this was to be the year when we would not have to endure the cavalcade of juggernauts to and from Wilderness!

Stephen, thank you for the appreciation.

John, completely agree, but who am I to understand the machinations of the CC Highways Committee?  Still, I am certain (sic) that the CC and Town Council will provide either cash compensation or a hefty discount off my Council Tax.

Liz, the prospect of further work outside our house is not one I relish, as you can imagine.  If it is to be, then please can it take place during the day?  However, I do wonder why the roads around e.g Leafield are not being attended to.  Also, where is all this money coming from?  I thought Local Authorities were strapped for cash, so why is the CC throwing it about like a man with no arms?  I'd rather it was spent on helping those in need, especially in these extraordinary times.

Hannen Beith

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 16:42

Well, it’s over, and yes , they did a good job and I only wonder why it had to be at night. 
Keith, I admire your relationship with Morpheus. 
I did appreciate the fact that we were all given notice, but perhaps any future work could take place when it is easier to leave Charlbury for somewhere else, either in the UK or abroad?!

Jean Adams
👍 1

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 16:19

My anger was directed to those who said the reDirection signs were in place. I asked each driver if they had seen direction signs and the answer was always NO. If they had put the large prominent ROAD CLOSED AHEAD sign at the Fawler turning with direction signs, drivers would have known to turn there. I asked an operative sitting in his van why this was not in place, he said we are not allowed to close the road!!!!! Private drivers and Sainsbury and Ocado van drivers were not amused to have to turn around in my driveway. Nor am I, there are nasty tyre marks on the block paving. 

Keith Claridge
👍 3

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 16:11

I live on fiveways and found no problem with work being done, l would like to thank the workers for a top class job , and we were informed when the work was going to start by letter. 

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 15:35

I did notice that when I went that way today so I will see if that can be put on the schedule, plus the stretch from Fiveways to the entrance to Cornbury which is not brilliant (sorry, Hannen) but I can't say when they might be done

john h
👍 1

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 14:37

  • Are they going to resurface outside the Londis Shop now, surface  there is a disgrace !! John Harrison
Phil Morgan
👍 2

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 14:10

With due respect to Jean and Hannen, I must say that I support Stephen's view.

This was always an ambitious plan by Highways - to renew all of the five approaches to Five Ways in one hit. The planning and logistics were immense and, it seems to me that they did exactly what they said they were going to do and within the timescale they set.

The plan for this work was published many weeks in advance and the signage was in place from 7th July. When a major scheme like this is carried out, there will always be a few who suffer inconvenience but that has to accepted as a price paid for the greater good.

It's done, it's finished! I'm sure most people will appreciate that one big scheme rather than five separate closures was for our greater good. 

Liz Leffman
👍 2

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 13:42

I will pass your thanks on to the Highways team, Steven. I am very sorry that this has proven to be so difficult for you, Hannen. 

stephen cavell
👍 4

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 11:47

Hannen/Jean - sorry that you had to put up with so much inconvenience. The resulting new road surface looks really good to me. Lets say thank you to those responsible for getting the work  - Liz? - the rest of us appreciate that you have taken one on behalf of the rest of us  THANKS

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sat 25 Jul 2020, 10:27 (last edited on Sat 25 Jul 2020, 10:28)

I think it is Jean.  I spoke to one of the Operatives last night and he said that they had finished and this morning I see that all the road markings are done and cones have gone.  They have forgotten their bright blue Portaloo.  It is, perhaps, an apt monument to 5 nights of hell. 

I cannot imagine what WODC Environmental were thinking of when they consented.  I thought of lodging a complaint but it would do no good and besides, I was, and am, too tired.

Jean Adams
👍 2

Fri 24 Jul 2020, 21:52

My last direction tonight at 9.40pm How can I get to Chipping Norton? I can hear another car , but they will have to work it out for themselves.And Highways said there were direction signs!!! Hopefully it is the last night.

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