Clap for NHS

Leah Fowler

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 17:37

We've clapped, people don't do things for thanks but it is nice to be thanked ! Whether for work well done or for  voluntary work ! 

Mandy, Derek and I clapped outside the Coop every Thursday night,but this is specifically for the NHS tonight 

Mary Heckman
👍 1

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 16:56

There are health care workers who live in Charlbury who do appreciate the clapping.

Susie Finch
(site admin)
👍 1

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 16:26

Lesley (and negative others) I will also clap tonight .  My daughter is a sister at Southampton General and miles away but I will clap for her and all the others .  It’s a token of how we feel towards all they have done during this mad time.  They do have PPE and agree though extra pay would be great, somehow this would encourage people to enter the NHS whose hearts are not really behind it and are only “just doing a job”.

Lesley Algar
👍 6

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 16:04

So like most gestures, Phil, the clapping is completely meaningless and is really about making ourselves feel better rather than enacting any real change that will benefit the NHS? 

Phil Morgan
👍 3

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 15:50

I think you are missing the point Lesley. This is symbolic. It doesn't matter if they hear our claps - the gesture is significant. It is a public statement.

Lesley Algar
👍 3

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 15:39

I am sure the majority of nurses and doctors would rather have a pay rise or PPE, so that more staff don't die. If we were near a hospital the clapping might mean something, but as we are nowhere near one no healthcare workers will "benefit" from it. 

Wendy Bailey
👍 5

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 14:48

Sorry but I too will be clapping for NHS, they saved my life 9 years ago, we all know they need more funding but having spoken to a nurse and ask which she would prefer, she liked the clapping made her feel appreciated. Isn't that what this is about. I agree with Marjorie funding takes time. Clapping doesn't.  

Marjorie Glasgow
👍 4

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 14:24

Funding may take time.  For now I will clap for the NHS, for the workers, for the volunteers, and for all who have helped us get through this extraordinary time so far.  Thank you all.

Hannen Beith

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 13:46 (last edited on Sun 5 Jul 2020, 13:46)

Literally a "skeleton" service.

Lesley Algar
👍 3

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 13:09

I agree Gareth, Clapping is a pointless exercise. The NHS needs funding not clapping. For over 10 years the tories running the health service down to a skeleton service.

Mandy cooper
👍 8

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 10:38

Here we go again yes they do a fantastic job but what about all the key workers that work day in day out get verbally abused and shouted out what do they get nothing. Sorry we probably upset some people. 

Gareth Epps
👍 9

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 09:58

I’d rather we all wrote to our MP calling for adequate funding, but each to their own.  Feel free to take part in a Tory distraction exercise.

sarah snelling
👍 3

Sun 5 Jul 2020, 08:53

tonight 5/7 - 5pm. Clap to celebrate NHS 72nd birthday

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