Small Welding or Metal Fabrication Job Needed

Charlie M

Fri 5 Jun 2020, 15:41

Simon, Very many thanks - I have now managed to resolve the matter!

Cheers, Charlie

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Fri 5 Jun 2020, 15:37

Hi Charlie, i may be able to help.

If you give me a call on 07584 356595 

To discuss your needs 

All the best 


Simon Himmens-Warrick

Fri 5 Jun 2020, 15:36

Hi Charlie, i may be able to help.

If you give me a call on 07584 356595 

To discuss your needs 

All the best 


Charlie M
👍 1

Tue 2 Jun 2020, 21:11

Can anyone recommend someone in Charlbury who could do a small welding job for me, or alternatively who could make up a very simple metal bracket?
Thanks for any help you can give.

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