WODC short questionnaire on action for carbon reduction

Harriet Baldwin
👍 6

Sat 30 May 2020, 15:31

One of the reasons I constantly go on about the necessity of cars for the less able members of society is because I've had people telling me for probably a decade now that they don't shop in Charlbury because it is so violently anti-car (and that there was no point making their thoughts heard even on the neighbourhood plan because they would just be ignored), and they have various medical conditions (eg heart failure, arthritis) which don't necessarily allow them to register for a blue badge but still make it necessary that they can drive and park relatively near to wherever they are shopping. As Philip says, it's entirely likely that it'll just become easier to not even travel to Witney or Chipping Norton if  too many anti-car measures are in place. 

Philip Ambrose
👍 3

Sat 30 May 2020, 12:12

Be careful what you wish for. 

WODC's free parking policy tries to encourage shopping locally rather than driving out of the district to shop further afield (with consequent increase in emissions) or buy from online outlets which put absolutely nothing back into the local community - e.g. the smiley face cardboard box company named after a south american river. 

Liz Reason
👍 1

Sat 30 May 2020, 10:19

I was careful to identify transport policies for which WODC does have responsibility - free parking for one, which encourages car use. They can also improve pedestrian and cycling facilities.

Liz Leffman
👍 2

Fri 29 May 2020, 17:22 (last edited on Fri 29 May 2020, 17:27)

Liz, WODC is not responsible for transport  - that is Oxfordshire County Council, hence no mention in this survey.  Not much that WODC can do about cycle lanes and buses, I'm afraid, but they can agree zero carbon standards for new homes,  and improvements to existing homes. They can also install EV charging points in car parks and charge for parking if they choose to - though I have to say that so far they have been very strongly opposed to that.

John Dora

Fri 29 May 2020, 17:09

I took a quick look and there is nothing covering resilience and adaptation to CC. With the climate changing more rapidly than expected just a few years ago, there is increased urgency for adaptation. Will make sure I mention this.

Tim Crisp

Fri 29 May 2020, 15:39 (last edited on Fri 29 May 2020, 15:43)

Agreed, but it is very encouraging that they are seeking residents views on their action on climate change and I would encourage everyone to complete and provide as much feedback as possible. 

If you have further points to make you can always email them directly on planning@westoxon.gov.uk 

Liz Reason

Fri 29 May 2020, 11:23

I think this survey is very disappointing.  WODC's ambition is only to go net zero for its own emissions.  There is no opportunity to make suggestions about how it revises its transport policies - free parking for all which encourages car use - nor how it might encourage or incentivise mass home refurbishment to zero carbon.  I expressed my disappointment in the survey when I saw that the options for reply were so severely limited.

We need massively improved facilities for cycling in Witney and around the district.  Bike lanes just stop if they get to a difficult junction - sometimes even a wall! I have been wondering how much they would raise in a year by charging £1 for parking which could be invested in e-bike clubs around the district.

Angela Gwatkin

Fri 29 May 2020, 10:23 (last edited on Fri 29 May 2020, 10:25)

Please spread as widely as possible to help in the climate change crisis.

WODC are asking residents to fill in an online survey identifying which actions they see as most important for the Council to take in relation to carbon reduction. This will then inform the final carbon action plan which will be presented to the full council in July 2020.

The survey is short and needs to be completed by 16th June. It hasn't been advertised widely so I think it is important that the Council knows how important we as individuals see this issue.

Here is the link: -


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