Carpenter recommendations needed

Nigel Drinkwater

Tue 26 May 2020, 21:11

HI, I'm a carpenter in Charlbury, over 30  years experience. Very happy to have a look and give you costing ideas. Thank you 


Grace Cahill

Mon 25 May 2020, 15:46

Thank you! Will try Rodney tomorrow. Any other recommendations gratefully received, will be looking to get a couple of quotes. 

Hannen Beith

Mon 25 May 2020, 08:14

Rodney James.   01608 677098

Grace Cahill

Sun 24 May 2020, 23:26

Hello, we’re looking for a carpenter to build a small piece of seating / storage in our home in Charlbury. Does anyone have any recommendations please? 

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