Free household and camp/ caravan items

Lesley Goves

Sun 24 May 2020, 13:54

Please observe all social distancing rules and use gloves to handle any items. Many thanks.

Lesley Goves

Sun 24 May 2020, 12:02 (last edited on Sun 24 May 2020, 12:06)

We have been clearing our attic and shed of things we no longer need,into a skip. However, many items are too good just to be skipped so we will be placing them on the verge outside our home at 16, Ditchley Road tomorrow by 10 am. Please help yourselves to anything you like. Items will include an aqua roll and wastemaster, folding camp beds, some wet suit items and adult sailing clothing, curtains, towels, bed linen, decorative accessories, kitchen items etc.

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