Corner House Books

John Partington
👍 5

Fri 30 Oct 2020, 19:04

Thanks to your generosity we've now raised £1,000 for the Corner House since the (first, so far) lockdown started .. that's two thousand books delivered to home-based Charlbury residents; sold on the internet (when others around the world accidentally stumble upon my listing); or, more recently, sold at Cornerstone for £1 with 50p each being passed on to the Corner House and Cornerstone itself.

I've not been listing many on the internet recently, preferring to resource a regular turnover of titles in the back room at the Cornerstone, but if Covid restrictions get tighter this winter I'll increase the quantity online.

I'm still very glad to be given any books, DVDs, maps or CDs to raise funds for the Corner House.  Drop them off at the Cornerstone or at 32 The Slade .. or contact me on 07555 608780 or and I'll come and pick them up.

John Partington
👍 3

Thu 3 Sep 2020, 12:32

I've turned these off again for the coming week, and so the link won't work now until Saturday 12th.

I'll gladly continue delivering books locally as long as the bookshop in the Corner House remains closed;  and perhaps in a smaller way after that if many people are still warily housebound .. so please, everyone, keep donating books in the marvellous way that you have been.  So far we've raised almost £700 for the Corner House & Memorial Hall.

And look out for, and bring cash to, the bookstall at the Street Fair on the 19th .. hundreds of titles not (yet) online, with some mouthwatering quantity discounts:  3 for £1, 8 for £2, 25 for £5.

John Partington

Fri 31 Jul 2020, 16:46 (last edited on Thu 3 Sep 2020, 12:33)

Just to say that I'll be turning these off for a week (going on staycation, in Charlbury), so don't be surprised when the link doesn't work.  We've now raised almost £600, and still going strong.

John Partington
👍 2

Tue 7 Jul 2020, 11:17

Thank you:  it's going really well, and we've almost reached 500 books (£250).

I do accept DVDs, and am selling a few through other channels (beyond Charlbury).  But I can't list them on the usual site, and so have no easy way of making them visible to local buyers.

I think it would be really helpful to add a DVD-lending service to the jigsaw provision we already have.  A lot of people are getting rid of their DVDs at the very point at which other house-bound, 'shielding', older people especially (many of whom don't have smart TVs and streaming services) would like to borrow them.

Does anyone have time and energy to set up such a service?  I could provide several hundred DVDs and we could lend them out free (or at say 20p to the Corner House).  All we need is some way of listing and publicising them!  Please contact me or Tanya Stephenson if you'd like to help us take this further.

Meanwhile I'm still adding several dozen books a day to the online stock.  Clicking here gives you a good pictorial view (and then click the "recently added" tab to see what's new since your last visit).  Ignore the prices and contact me direct on 07555 608780 or to order them for 50p each.

Helen Holwill

Mon 6 Jul 2020, 09:31

Thank you for everything you are doing, John. Do you also take DVDs?

Neil Pakenham-Walsh
👍 2

Mon 6 Jul 2020, 07:25

That's fantastic, John. Well done and thank you for making the community bookshop accessible even during lockdown, and continuing to raise funds for the Corner House and Memorial Hall.

John Partington

Thu 2 Jul 2020, 21:44

Now 400 books sold and £200 raised for the Corner House.

I've purchased more cataloguing space for this month onwards, and expect to add another few hundred books in the next couple of weeks .. so keep visiting the Charlbury Lockdown page of my online bookstore:  ignore the prices, and press the "Show More" button at the bottom to continue browsing.  Then contact me on 07555 608780 or to buy them for 50p each, delivered to your door.

John Partington

Thu 11 Jun 2020, 12:01

Another update:  300 books now, and so £150 raised.

I'm always glad to pick up books from you to add to the list:  contact me on 07555 608780 or

Because they're on a public site (it does the cataloguing and the pictures automatically for me), I'm continuing to sell a few accidentally around the globe .. no harm in that, but it means that I'm also glad to be given book-packing materials - padded envelopes, cardboard wrappers etc.

A good visual listing of the books is here.  As ever, ignore the prices, and press the "Show More" button at the bottom to continue browsing.

Jackie Hague

Sat 6 Jun 2020, 13:20

That's brilliant.  Thank you.

Tanya Stevenson
👍 2

Sat 6 Jun 2020, 13:15

John has now made £100 for the Corner House through sale of donated books. Well done and many thanks to John and to the people who have donated and bought books. There are still a lot of books available, including children's books, so keep ordering them! A link to the catalogue and instructions can be found if you click here.

Tanya Stevenson
👍 2

Fri 22 May 2020, 22:45

Wow, John - 100 books in a week! That’s a lot of work for you. I hope the customers are suitably grateful that they get delivery too for their 50p. It’s such a great service. 

John Partington
👍 4

Fri 22 May 2020, 12:40 (last edited on Fri 22 May 2020, 12:42)

At the end of the first week of online selling, I'm delighted to say that so far more than a hundred books have found glad recipients (making, therefore, more than £50 for the Corner House).

The system's a little confusing (my apologies ..but it means that I can use a pre-existing cataloguing system);  but the golden rule is to ignore the prices on the website and contact me directly ( or 07555 608780).  I'll then do the rest.

There's a nice visual display of the books here (click on any book for more details of it) from where you can also navigate to the rest of the site.  (Stick with April House Books to find what you want:  other items on AbeBooks will have to be bought online at full price.)  I'm adding new books every day, so keep coming back to look .. and let me know if you have any that you'd like to donate.

When times return to normal the books will of course find their way off-line back to the Corner House, where the indefatigable Neil P-W will resume his curating of them.  What a splendid resource this is for the town .., and how satisfying not to put even more money into Amazon's pockets!

By the way, does anyone have a copy of  "Love in the Time of Cholera" that they could give, or lend?

John Partington
👍 1

Sun 17 May 2020, 23:08

Continuing the explanation, the reason that I list them for £2.50 rather than 50p is because it's a public site, and non-Charlburians find their way there. In the last two days I've sold one book from the list to the USA and one to Australia (both at a slight loss!).

John Partington
👍 1

Sun 17 May 2020, 22:52

As Tanya says, ignore the prices on the site. I can't work out (being technically rather amateur) why some people are getting prices in dollars. Substituting "" for "com" in the address-line might sort it!

Just use the list to choose a book from, and text me on 07555 608780 or email and I'll drop it round. Leave 50p a book out and it's as simple as that.

I'm adding several dozen books a day to the list, so keep coming back to look for new ones .. and you can help by passing on books to sell. (I can collect them from you, or bring them to 32 The Slade.) I'm particularly short of children's books, for which there's a high demand.

Tanya Stevenson

Sun 17 May 2020, 22:36

All the books you see when you follow the link are available in Charlbury. I know there’s a dollar price given but that’s just an automatic part of the cataloguing system so ignore that. 

Geoff Belcher

Sun 17 May 2020, 21:47

can someone explain how to get to charlbury list when you get to site please

Tanya Stevenson
👍 1

Sun 17 May 2020, 16:44 (last edited on Mon 18 May 2020, 09:41)

Enormous thanks to John Partington, who has listed much of his stock of second hand books so that people of Charlbury can buy them for only 50p each and he will even deliver them to your door. The money will go to the Corner House. The list of books is here and is being added to all the time as donations come in via the Community Centre. If you want books from this list don't buy online or you will pay more, but contact John and he will organise it. I think that's right but I'm sure John will clarify if not. His number is: 07555608780 or email him on

Thank you John!

[Edited link to point to UK site –Richard]

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