Accommodation Help.

Chloe Horner

Tue 12 May 2020, 14:08

We are a family of 4 currently in the process of a Charlbury-based house purchase which has slowed because of the lockdown. We are looking for some short term accommodation (min. 2 bedrooms, 1-2 months). One of our children is set to return to School in Charlbury in June and my partner is going to start working in a busier environment which means that we cannot stay in our current accommodation where we are effectively shielding others.

We are hoping that there might be a vacant holiday let, holiday home, rental between tenants or similar that we could possibly rent in or around Charlbury.

 Please do drop me a line here or give me a call/text on 07808 529361 if you could help, we’d be very grateful. 

 Many thanks in advance!

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