Passport photo.

Amanda Epps
👍 1

Mon 21 Dec 2020, 18:00

So did I John.  Great minds think alike?

John Kearsey
👍 2

Mon 21 Dec 2020, 11:13

I made a point of renewing mine before the European Union bit was removed and it is valid for another 8 years.

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Mon 21 Dec 2020, 11:02

What a saga (sic) it turned out to be.  Several smartphone photos sent to the Passport Office - all rejected.

Then yesterday I discovered this site:

Fantastic!  For £4.99 they will work on any photo (within reason) and guarantee that it will be accepted.  So I went outside (for natural light) and took a selfie and then sent it to them.  They removed the background and worked their magic - there's even a real person on email (even on a Sunday) and this morning I heard from the PO that it had been approved.  At about the same time as I heard that the UK had effectively been quarantined.  I think it will be valid for 10 years so should see me out.

Hey ho, I can't wait to see my new dark blue passport.

Hannen Beith

Thu 29 Oct 2020, 14:08

I think I may try a selfie.

My Wife travelled to Oxford this morning to use the photo booth there, but I don't think I will make the journey just to get a "snap".

I doubt I'll use the renewed passport other than for ID purposes, but it may be as well to get it.

Alice Brander

Sun 3 May 2020, 13:45

Thank you Christine.  Clear now.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Sun 3 May 2020, 10:34 (last edited on Sun 3 May 2020, 10:35)

Alice, I've changed my mind about what that page means. I don't know if I just read it wrongly, or if the wording has changed.

I now think that what it says is NOT that you can continue to use your passport after the expiry date, but that the burgundy/EU passport will remain valid until it expires. And they are asking people not to apply for a passport until it's absolutely necessary to do so. I'm editing my post of a few minutes ago, as it was potentially misleading.

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sun 3 May 2020, 10:22

I think what Christine meant was that expired passports can still be used until January 2021.  Assuming there are ways of getting out of the country!

Mine expires next month and I was going to renew it now, but having checked the Government page again I see that it now says that expired passports can be renewed at any time. "You can renew your passport at any time."

So I think I'll just let mine run out and consider renewing if I ever want to or can travel abroad again.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Sun 3 May 2020, 10:20 (last edited on Sun 3 May 2020, 10:36)

Alice, no I don't think that is what was meant, although the page is admittedly ambiguous. It's here:

I think what is meant is that if you have a passport, it will be OK to use the passport after January 2021, provided it is a Burgundy passport or one that has "European Union" on the cover. 

The page is basically asking people not to apply to renew their passports now because there is such a long wait and also very few staff, but there are exceptions made for those who need passports urgently for compassionate reasons, etc. There's an online advice line here:

Alice Brander

Sun 3 May 2020, 10:10

I've just read Christine's comment about our existing passports expiring on 1st January.  Is that what you meant Christine?  I've just hunted through the Passport Office website and I can see something about we 'may' not be able to travel to all EU countries on our old passports.   They don't know yet because nothing has been arranged.  I'm assuming we'll just need to apply for visa's to travel everywhere from 1st January like the olden days.  Is the Passport Office gearing up to replace 65 million passports by the end of December?  

Philip Ambrose
👍 2

Sun 3 May 2020, 09:02

I had not realised the lockdown was so strict that you had to have a passport to leave Charlbury! :-)

Hannen Beith

Sat 2 May 2020, 20:02

Thanks all.

This is such a helpful amenity so a big "Thank you" to Richard as well.

Christine - sorry , I hadn't noticed that.  I'll "hang fire" for the moment.

Charlie M
👍 1

Sat 2 May 2020, 15:41

It took me a few goes, but I renewed my passport in February (!), and my photo is indeed a selfie. The passport office link that Tim provided checks the quality (or otherwise) of the photo that you upload. My main issues were finding a clear background, and persuading the picture "analyser" that my eyes were actually OPEN!

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Sat 2 May 2020, 15:32 (last edited on Sat 2 May 2020, 15:35)

Hannen, the Passport Office website says don't apply unless you need a passport urgently for compassionate reasons, for example if a family member has died, or for government business. It also says that if you have a burgundy passport or one with  European Union, it will be valid until January 2021. There's an online enquiry form & also a phone number if you need advice. 

In the past I've used Timpson's, for photos. Timpson's offers a digital link and also a guarantee. But the only Timpson's shops that are open at present are those that that are in supermarkets. I'm not sure whether the one in Sainsbury's, Witney, has this facility. The main shop, near Witney Co-op, does; but it's not open yet.

There's also a photo booth downstairs at the Co-op, Chipping Norton; but again I'm not sure if it's working. It says it does passport photos, so presumably also offers the digital link.

You also need a form, and then to take it in to the Post Office & get it properly recorded when you send it in. It just doesn't make much sense unless it's really very urgent. 

Having got caught up in the rush out of Belgium when everything suddenly closed down there (a couple of weeks before us), I won't be travelling abroad, even by Eurostar, until the situation markedly improves. The waiting room facilities in Brussels Eurostar terminal were extremely unhygienic, which is why I decided to self-isolate as soon as I got home.

Tim at Cotswold Frames
👍 1

Sat 2 May 2020, 15:08

Hannen we used to offer passport photos but we can't offer digital copies with our machine and even the printed copies people were then having them checked at the post office  and having them rejected for silly reasons think it was more to do with getting their photo machine service used instead.

So we recommend you go straight to a booth if you want it in old fashioned way or do it yourself if applying online against a white wall.

Cotswold frames are happy to provide printed photos for any other ID items such as driving licence. train pass etc where they are not so strict but only when we are allowed to open again after lockdown.

Hope this helps


Jean Adams
👍 1

Sat 2 May 2020, 14:31

Hannen, The Camera shop in Witney very kindly helped me, if they are open,

Helen Chapman

Sat 2 May 2020, 13:49

The reason you can’t use a selfie is because the picture resolution from the front camera of most phones is really poor. You could always set your phone up on a stand and use a timer, but it migjt be tricky to frame the shot correctly that way.

Hannen Beith

Sat 2 May 2020, 12:23

Thanks Robin.

I didn't know that.

Tim, thanks, I'll give it a whirl, but if I can't manage it, does Cotswold Frames offer this service. In these times, by appointment only of course. 

Tim at Cotswold Frames
👍 1

Sat 2 May 2020, 11:07

Hi Hannen

go to this gov link for all info on your passport photo requirements

and fingers crossed you will be sorted


Robin Taylor
👍 1

Sat 2 May 2020, 10:43

You can take your own photo on a mobile. But not a 'selfie', apparently. So you need the help of someone in your household if you have anyone.

Hannen Beith

Sat 2 May 2020, 10:15

My passport is due for renewal next month.  I did wonder whether to bother as I'm not sure I'll leave these shores again.

Anyway, I've decided to take the plunge so I need a mug shot.  Does anyone know if there is anywhere in Charlbury where I can get this taken?

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