Veg seedlings

Sally Callaway

Tue 2 Jun 2020, 14:50 (last edited on Wed 3 Jun 2020, 17:54)

We have 10 kale seedlings and 10 French bean plants available.  Call 810292

All gone as at 3 June 😊

Helen Datson
👍 1

Tue 5 May 2020, 10:28

A note from Church Lane Produce in Spelsbury (re Hannen's comment below), to save you a trip if you are looking for plants; we aren't really geared up for plant sales but occasionally sell any that are surplus to our needs - at the moment we just have a few plum tomato and plenty of coriander plants - we will have other herbs, sweet peppers etc. in a week or so!

Liz Reason

Tue 5 May 2020, 09:58

I think that's all my seedlings gone probably.  But, is there anyone with a greenhouse who would like to experiment with a tomatillo?  They've been very slow to germinate, and suddenly I appear to have three.

Rachel Gallagher

Mon 4 May 2020, 22:19

I would like a few tomato seedlings too if possible. The Deli had a few plants last week which was lovely.

Susan Terry

Mon 4 May 2020, 21:37

Liz, I would love some tomato seedlings; what variety/ies do you have?

Liz Puttick

Mon 4 May 2020, 20:54

Yes please, Liz, to broccoli and a couple of tomatoes!

Liz Reason
👍 1

Mon 4 May 2020, 20:52

I've got 12 lettuce seedlings, 6 each of two varieties. I also have 6 broccoli seedlings.  I will have masses of spare tomato seedlings, but I was thinking of taking them up to the Deli.

Brigid Avison
👍 2

Mon 4 May 2020, 10:53

If you are looking for growbags, Applegarth is the only one I've found which can supply peat-free ones (Sylvagrow), as well as other peat-free composts. 

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sun 3 May 2020, 10:53

Church Lane Produce at Spelsbury have a surplus of plants ready to grow on - plum tomatoes, peppers, herbs (coriander and basil), brassicas, lettuce, cucumbers and courgettes growing on in the greenhouses. 

"We'll soon have some giant yellow sunflowers and nasturtiums for sale that will brighten up any garden as they grow."

 Full details on their fb page.

Sarah Goad
👍 1

Wed 29 Apr 2020, 12:59

To add to Helen's comments, Applegarth's at Chippy are doing free delivery or collection from the car park, although you have to call to order: 01608 641642. They are very busy, so you may need to persist to get through, but I've been able to get through a number of times when I've called between 9-9.30am

Helen C
👍 2

Wed 29 Apr 2020, 11:14

Whilst my next batch of seedlings are coming through I thought I’d share some places to order online as there is far more interest than I have plants! Delivery is still available (it may cost more than usual and take longer) and other places have a collection option.;  Or

patricia berger

Mon 27 Apr 2020, 17:13

Hi Helen, i would love a couple of tomato seedlings or anything going spare.

I can,t go out to get some at the moment as shielding

Would be very grateful. I am at 16, The Green

Thank you


Brigid Avison

Mon 27 Apr 2020, 16:37

Thank you, Helen, for offering to be a distribution hub! I am looking for some tomato plants (Sungold, Gardeners Delight and/or a plum or Marmande type) -- up to 5 in total -- as well as some sweetpea seedlings and lettuce seedlings. If my recently planted (in paper pots) climbing and dwarf beans all succeed, I'll be able to contribute to the plant swap. I live off Market Street, and can collect from you or, if you prefer to deliver, give you directions.

patricia winstanley

Sun 26 Apr 2020, 17:15

Helen,  I would be very happy to have tomato seedlings (and make a donation) whenever they are ready. We are 7 Market Street if your bike takes you that far.  Thank you, Patricia

Helen C

Sun 26 Apr 2020, 15:20

Rosemary and Gillian, I have kept some seedlings back for you. Otherwise, they have all been delivered! I’ve planted more tomatoes and beans but they won’t be ready for a couple of weeks. If anyone has excess veg seedlings they would like to DONATE spare veg plants please let me know as I would be happy to find new owners for them within the village. 
If you’d like to donate to Coronavirus research please go to my page here:

Helen C

Sun 26 Apr 2020, 13:55

I have some toms left. Feel free to contact me via my website inbox with your address and I’ll drop them off to you

merle esson

Sun 26 Apr 2020, 09:34

Probably too late in the queue but would love a tomato plant or two? Or dwarf beans please? Happy to donate £10 to your cause anyway.

Merle Esson

The Old Barn

Hundley Way

Rosemary Bennett

Sun 26 Apr 2020, 08:59

Hi Helen

If possible I would love to plant two or three tomato seedlings, if you have any left to spare.... I am in Pooles Lane but would happily collect from you. Happy to donate to your project. 

Gillian Grason

Sun 26 Apr 2020, 08:16

I would love two Gardeners delight tomato plants if available also happy to donate.  I am on the Green.

marion coates

Sat 25 Apr 2020, 16:44

Would love two or three tomato  and bean plants.  (Will be planting in pots). We are on the Playing Close, no.20, blue door, wedge-shaped railed garden. happy to donate to your cause.

Helen C
👍 1

Sat 25 Apr 2020, 15:17 (last edited on Sun 26 Apr 2020, 09:14)

I have a few spare veg seedlings-some tomatoes (Gardeners Delight or Alicante) a few dwarf beans and, soon, some lettuce. They are all quite small but growing well. No payment but if you wanted to make a donation I work for the university and at aiming to raise £100 towards Coronavirus research projects: I can deliver in Charlbury on my daily bike ride

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